• Windows 8.1 snooping patch KB 2976978 re-re-re-released

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    It’s an optional patch, so you won’t get it unless you ask for it. The KB article is now up to revision 32. Microsoft is careful to note (this time):
    [See the full post at: Windows 8.1 snooping patch KB 2976978 re-re-re-released]

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    • #24316

      Do security monthly quality rollups include KB2976978 or it will always be (re)released separately?

    • #24317

      Terminology alert…

      Microsoft changed the terminology. As far as I’m concerned there are Security-only updates (now renamed to “Security Only Quality Updates”), and Monthly rollups (now called “Security Monthly Quality Rollups”).

      If you’re going with the monthly rollups – Group A – you’ll get KB 2976978 or one of its progeny.

      It’s not clear to me why KB 2976978 was released as an optional patch, independent of the Monthly rollups.

    • #24318

      I went with Group A for the October patch cycle as the cumulative quality update seemed to not include new telemetry points. The November cycle presents more of a problem as new telemetry seems to be included and I might step over to Group B. Longer term, I think MS may not like Group B people all that much and could require the install of a big cumulative update to continue getting any updates. That would be the Group A or Group W moment and folks will need to make a tough choice. I might add that MS intentions will undoubtedly be “pure and well-intentioned” if and when the above happens.

    • #24319

      Just about anything could happen.

      Never a dull moment in Windows Patching Land…

    • #24320

      “Security Only Quality Updates” and “Security Monthly Quality Rollups”.

      Evidently Microsoft has been reading your blog, Woody! They are now putting the word “Security” in all of the patch names, because they have read your posts which advise to install only those patches with “Security” in the name!

    • #24321



    • #24322

      It will likely move into Recommended next time when it is revised. I think it follows the regular pattern and either is not ready to be included in the Monthly Rollup or will never be.
      Sometimes we get updates outside of the CUs for Windows 10 too.

    • #24323


      I’m still somewhat new to your blog and I notice some comments mentioning Group A, B, C and I think D/W are mentioned as well (like the one in the comments here). Can you explain to me what these groups pertain to or what they mean exactly? Seems to be related to people jumping on patches early on as testers and those waiting for more stable ones etc.

    • #24324



      Exactly my thought too :/

    • #24325

      Mostly it’s a question of whether you want to let Microsoft put snooping programs on your Win7 or 8.1 machine. Details here:



      “Group W” is just my pet name for people who don’t want to apply any patches. (Some call it Group D.)

    • #24326


    • #24327

      So Woody. Do you have comprehensive list of all the current updates that contain telemetry? Because it seems every other day there’s a new “snooping patch” as you like to call it. I can’t keep up anymore. Because I have machines running Windows 7 and and some with 8.1 and having a nice concise list of telemetry updates to avoid would be helpful.

    • #24328

      Does the software RUN even if the CEIP is turned off?

      From what I can see, Microsoft doesn’t de-schedule CEIP jobs if one opts out.

      So assuming at least some of it runs regardless, I think it’s safe to say it will take resources.

      So tell me why we should want this software to busy our computers, making fewer resources available for what we need to do?

      Near as I can tell, no one’s ever invented a computer system with infinite capacity yet.


    • #24329

      Not only will MS intentions undoubtedly be “pure and well-intentioned” , my money is betting that “MS is listening to its customers and it is due to demand resulting from customer feedback”.

    • #24330

      It would be great to have such a list. As it stands now, I believe I have all Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 updates containing telemetry hidden. But I am not 100% certain.

    • #24331

      No it won’t

    • #24332

      Awesome. Thanks for the info/links.

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