• Windows 7 themes


    I want to find a “Windows 7 theme” that’s effective on a laptop. I currently use the “Windows 7 classic” theme, which is okay, but I’m sure there must be something better out there.

    By the way, I’m not interested in pretty pictures or animations. Just want to be able to see everything clearly and do my work quickly and effectively.

    Thanks for any ideas.

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    • #1387579

      Not a lot of customization available with Win 7 themes beyond color and backgrounds unless one goes with a skinning program like WindowBlinds and that sort of adjustment is completely subjective. You might like a WB skin better but I wouldn’t say there’ll ever be more clarity than in the neutral colors and visual style-less look of Win 7 classic.

      What you could try is setting a good neutral color for text and white backgrounds you like in any normal glass theme, then go to Visual effects and turn off just the transparent glass effect and see if you like that look.

      • #1387583

        Thanks for your help. By the way, if you’re modifying a theme, how do you turn on/off/customise Aero? (There doesn’t seem to be anything under Control PanelAppearance and PersonalizationPersonalization, which is where I’d expect to find it.)

    • #1387587

      By the way, if you’re modifying a theme, how do you turn on/off/customise Aero?

      Here is a link;http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-turn-off-the-aero-peek-feature-in-windows-7.html

    • #1387636

      Control Panel>System Advanced System Settings>Performance Settings>Visual effects.

      I think if you go to Window Color and Appearance in Personalization and disable transparency it’s pretty much the same thing.

    • #1387656

      Another thing besides Aero Peek disable that chowur pointed to is on the same configuration screen. Where it says Taskbar buttons: Always combine, hide labels; if you change that to Never combine or combine only when full, then everything in the taskbar is listed separately instead of having to animate out to represent all the grouped buttons when you want to select one.

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