Hello, good people of the AskWoody forums.
I’d like to ask some questions regarding Windows 7 and Checkdisk.
During normal evening work, I seem to have inadvertently pressed some shortcuts that sent my computer to sleep. Unluckily, I was forced to shut off its power, because I couldn’t bring it back from that state. Windows started up normally, but it did something it hasn’t done in a longer while, run Checkdisk. As much as I wouldn’t have minded to have it run, I decided to skip it this time, then run it properly from the desktop.
The desktop and everything is fine, but when I opened the cmd (command) prompt, running it on Administrator privileges, wrote chkdsk and added enter, I had the following results.
The found errors concern me a little less than the fact that I get that “read-only” related error and can’t continue. Any genuine advice on how to overcome that and finish the whole checkup ?
Thanks in advance for any good advice.