• Windows 10 installation problems

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    I recently brought a Windows 10 setup with USB. I can boot it up however recently it has always and I repeat always said “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’ll restart for you. Stop Code: 0xc000021a” I really need help. Please, anyone. And the drivers don’t work even if I can start up the setup process.
    If you can help me, please let me know the details I need to provide to receive the help I need. If not, this PC is going for scrap. The parts are brand new…

    EDITED please familiarize yourself with Askwoody rules

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    • #316668

      Your error code is a user mode/logon failure.  Are you trying to say this is a new installation of Windows 10 on bare metal?  That is to say, is this a new machine with no OS previously installed on it?

      By USB do you mean that your installation media is a USB stick?

      Make, model, CPU, RAM, storage media?

      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

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    • #316676

      Correct, this is a new custom p=built pc that I am installing windows 10 on from scratch. the installation media is a USB stick that I bought from micro center. Since it’s custom made, I included a screenshot of my specs.

      Thanks so much for replying bbearren!!

      PS don’t worry about the monitor. That was a fluke.

    • #316677
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    • #316678

      Same question asked at Microsoft Community two months ago (and last reply ignored): https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/installing-windows-10-with-usb-0xc000021a-error/8b749e1d-9018-482c-9b5c-9ba1653c1218

      You do realize that I’m the one who posted the question on Microsoft. Plus it was never answered completely. Sorry if the last reply was ignored but the first problem was never fixed. However, the error was that a media driver wasn’t found.

    • #316681

      Make, model, CPU, RAM, storage media?  Since it is DIY, make and model of motherboard, CPU, RAM, storage media.  Windows 10 on a new machine is not much information.

      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

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    • #316684

      The problem appears to be Windows / driver(s) related. Unless you suspect a hardware problem, why scrap it? Can you do temporary hardware item swaps with another computer to narrow the failure?

      Workaround?: Pull the drive and attach to another computer. Obtain current media drivers from the manufacturers, and copy them to the appropriate folders in the problem drive.

      From this and other Google Search hits, is it possible to boot into Safe mode? or ‘Disable Driver Signature Enforcement’?

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    • #316690

      I bought a usb installation from microcenter. It was called microsoft win home 10 32/64 usb rs. All items were purchased at microcenter.
      My specs are
      motherboard: asus strix z370-f gaming
      cpu: i7 8700K
      ram: corsair 16gb 8×2 d4 2133 c14 vl
      gpu: msi gtx1050ti 4gb oc dual
      psu: corsair cxm 650w 80+b sm psuinks
      hope that can help solve my problem. Im using 64 bit because 32 bit isnt compatiable.

      This your system?? I see the “Softies” never got back to you, ahh well seeing as its a custom build its likely that Win10 doesent have the drivers as @paulk suggests and that’s what I am seeing as well.
      Well if you access to another Machine and a Vacant USB Stick, Download another Win10.ISO image, Rufus, 7zip. Put your Original purchased Win10 USB stick at one side for now its likely an activated FFU and as its cost Money its a bit early to embark on surgery on it just yet.
      asus strix z370-f gaming
      cpu: i7 8700K
      gpu: msi gtx1050ti 4gb oc dual

      (methinks those could be the missing Driver packages???)
      Get on over to the OEM’s Web Sites and download any Driver Packages that may be there, Download the Packages then extract using 7zip in to a common folder so each extracted Package, goes to an individual folder in the common Folder call it Drivers.
      Make an install USB on the Vacant USB stick with Rufus using the downloaded Win10.ISO, now its time for a bit of surgery on the newly created stick.
      Open an Admin CMD prompt DISM /GET-IMAGEINFO /IMAGEFILE:X:\SOURCES\INSTALL.WIM (or .esd depending) (X=letter corresponding to USB stick however its set up on your system)
      make a note of the index number that corresponds to your Orig FFU Version, its something like 1=Home, 2=Home Single language 5=Pro etc for example.
      Create an empty folder on your C:\ Drive and call it mount
      DISM /MOUNT-IMAGE /IMAGEFILE:X:\SOURCES\INSTALL.WIM /MOUNTDIR:C:\MOUNT /INDEX:2 (2=number of index before from before)
      (don’t particularly like using the /forceunsigned CMD but hey any port in a storm)
      Hopefully your USB should now be updated with the latest drivers that possibly Windoze is missing.
      Slap the new USB in to your new machine, first setup window your call, either format the disk or the clean CMD, SHIFT-F10 takes you to the WINPE/RE then install as normal. Hopefully that should fix it, if its not that then your Orig USB is still intact you may have a defective stick, and or a refund. As an addl Trouble shooting step crack the case and make sure all the cards cables etc are seated properly and fitting Snuggly If that is the problem, then you can perfrom the same on the Orig FFU/USB stick. Bit of a pain but its worked on a few occasions for me on a wide range of machines. Fingers crossed here 😉

      PS don’t worry if you get a few errors during the add driver phase some INF’s aren’t meant to be added as are some boot components, that’s fairly normal and your not going to break anything but it should get you to the first desktop then you can reinstall the full original packages from the in Win GUI Desktop

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      • #316709

        Re: FFU

        For information/background, see: Capture and apply Windows Full Flash Update (FFU) images (January 7th, 2019)

        Deploy Windows faster on the factory floor by using the Full Flash Update (FFU) image format. FFU images allow you to apply an image of a physical drive, including Windows, recovery, and system partition information all at once directly to a different drive.

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    • #316749

      Wow just wow. Thanks so much, guys. I look into it and see if any of the solutions work.Screenshot-2019-01-25-at-10.02.05-PM

    • #316842

      The problem appears to be Windows / driver(s) related. Unless you suspect a hardware problem, why scrap it? Can you do temporary hardware item swaps with another computer to narrow the failure? Workaround?: Pull the drive and attach to another computer. Obtain current media drivers from the manufacturers, and copy them to the appropriate folders in the problem drive. From this and other Google Search hits, is it possible to boot into Safe mode? or ‘Disable Driver Signature Enforcement’?

      I did try to boot it in safe mode and disable driver signature enforcement but it never worked. A blue screen of death appeared.

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