• Windows 10 gets better at taking screenshots

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    WINDOWS 10 By Lance Whitney Starting with Windows 10 1809, the legacy screen-capture Snipping Tool became Snip & Sketch — with great new capabilities.
    [See the full post at: Windows 10 gets better at taking screenshots]

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    • #1896300

      I also like the new Windows 10 Snip And Sketch Tool. It makes taking screenshots of the Windows Defender update and scan results pages easier than even the older Snipping Tool did.

      There are lots of other uses, especially for images scraped from web pages or email messages and attachments.

      Annotations and highlighting are useful for images scraped from web pages, as well as for single-image PDF pages. Though for the latter, there are better tools, like LibreOffice Draw.

      I use Cortana Search to fire this up (no touch-screen and I don’t like keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10).

      -- rc primak

    • #1896416

      The only thing I’ve found which I don’t particularly like is that you can exit without being asked if you want to save. The snipping tool didn’t allow that without asking if you want to save it.

      Eliminate spare time: start programming PowerShell

      • #1899846

        Try Settings | Ask to Save Snips before closing.


        • #1900283

          I had just found this  setting and thought I would reply to my own post – but then found your post! Thanks. In answer to emailing , there is also the share option, but it’s a bit limited.

          Eliminate spare time: start programming PowerShell

    • #1896449

      If only it worked with Outlook in an Exchange environment…

      • #1899597

        The Snipping Tool has Send Snip > Email Recipient that I can’t find Snip & Sketch. I wish Microsoft would add it to Snip & Sketch to open Outlook.

      • #1899848

        I urge you to use the Feedback Hub and upvote the suggestion to add Outlook and other communications programs to the Share experience. Microsoft does pay attention to the Feedback Hub.


    • #1897254

      I tried to follow along with all the various methods to access this app and found all of them to be a pain. (Assuming you want to open the whole app.)

      If you right click in the Start Menu, you can then Add to Taskbar and have it readily accessible.

      I don’t understand why the folks who write these otherwise very helpful articles rarely seem to point this out.

    • #1907078

      I note the comment that one can close Snip & Sketch without getting a confirmation prompt.

      My complaint about is something of the opposite.  I do not want a new Window every time I want to snip something.  I’ll agree that sometimes this can be handy,  but it’s not useful most of the time.  It may take 2 or 3 tries to get just the snip I want; I don’t need three windows of the program when I finally get the one I want.

      Ideally, there’d be some way to indicate whether to reuse the window in the New> menu as well as a setting to default the program either way.

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