Maybe these have been known by everyone for a long time, but- gee! How I wish I’d come up with ’em earlier.
I happened to right-click on the “Add” button on the lower left corner, and to my surprise a context menu displayed (see attached). The new thing here was that it showed the shortcut for each function. To wit:
Add File(s): L
Add Directory: Shift + L
Add Location: Ctrl + L
Obviously, I tried right-clicking on the other buttons to the right of “Add”. I’ll put the results altogether to cut it short:
Crop Selected: Ctrl + Delete
Clear Playlist: Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Remove all dead files: Alt + Delete
Select All: Ctrl + Alt + A
Invert Selection: Ctrl + I
File Info: Alt + 3
Playlist Entry: Ctrl + E
Reverse List: Ctrl + R
Generate HTML playlist: Ctrl + Alt + G
Read Extended Info on Selection: Ctrl + Alt + E
Not to mention the all-time classics:
Play: X
Stop: V
Pause / Unpause: C
Previous: Z
Next: B
Still I couldn’t find the link to Randomize List. If anyone knows how to pull it off from the keyboard, please drop a line