I have a very strange issue, while Photoshop 7.0 this is installed properly due Retail software package at Win 7 Pro x64.
The file icon for .PSD this stay white.
Windows 7 file type settings does not help at all, regarding the icon issue.
My .PSD files they do open normally with Photoshop 7.0, there is no productivity problems other than the white icon issue.
All other Photoshop 7.0 & Adobe ImageReady 7.0 associated file types the do appear with the appropriate icon.
Emptying windows icons cache this did not help either. Icons cache this is not corrupted in any way. Neither it seems to be a problem of corrupted registry.
The system it is at 100% of health, Error free event log.
I am looking for any fresh ideas.
Win7 Pro (Blue Retail Box) i7 4770 - 16GB DDR3 2400XMP - GTX1060 6GB - Professional Workstation