• Win10 Fall Creators Update Store problems appear to be solved

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    Well I’ll be… I bumped into Günter Born’s article this morning, saying that the “Something bad happened” bug has been fixed. Flipped over to my 1709
    [See the full post at: Win10 Fall Creators Update Store problems appear to be solved]

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    • #139567

      I have set the Store App in my Insider Preview not to download/update automatically. So when I opened the Store App this morning, it had not updates and I got “Something bad happened” again.

      Using Gunter Born’s temporary solution, I changed my region from US to Germany and the Store App opened up long enough for me to manually update. Then I changed the region back to US – all fixed.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #139639

      I was going to post about the same thing when I noticed @pkcano’s post.
      The Store App can be controlled at least in theory from Settings.
      I suggest removing all provisioned apps though and only keeping and installing manually what is desired. This is done with PowerShell but I won’t provide the solution here as it has potential to break the Windows installation and resolving potential issues is time consuming and may require re-installing Windows.
      I have been using 1709 on 2 “production” machines at home for a while and it seems to be a smooth transition from 1703, which I did not particularly like, to 1709.
      I keep thinking if it would be a better strategy for most regular users to stick with the major releases emulating LTSB/LTSC and not upgrading between editions. This means staying with Pro/Enterprise 1607 until the next LTSC will likely be released in 2019. There is a reason why the intermediate current editions are called rs*, as they designate variations of the same edition. There will be at least one more rs in the series which is in preview now before the next major edition. Another good indication of when a major release is happening is that the full server version equivalent is released at the same time. The current and only Windows 2016 Server full (Desktop Experience, not Core) is 1607.

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      • #140050

        This is exactly what I thought ch100!

        I am still on 1607 everywhere thanks to just using a few group policy settings maybe in my auto-tweaker. Windows update is still working and pushing the required updates.

        I glanced at 1703 when we bought new laptops that cam with it and I thought it looked less good than 1607 on a few things. I just thought I will wait for 1709, hoping it will be better.

        After all, 1607 is the version used for LTSB, it needs a bit more polish to be called that way.

    • #139643

      Settings in the Store App itself, not in the Settings App allow you to control download/updates of the UWP apps. Other settings are Live Tile on/off, Offline permissions, and Buy without a password.

      It appalls me that every time I check for updates of the UWP Apps, that there is a plethora of apps to be updated. If these are on auto update, they must be constantly updating. This in itself is scary, but combined with automatic Windows Update, it must be a terrible burden on the Users’ (Users who don’t know better and leave defaults, ie, most Users) broadband connections if they pay by the bit. I don’t see how some people can afford Win10 and keep it updated.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #139664

        Settings in the Store App itself, not in the Settings App allow you to control download/updates of the UWP apps. Other settings are Live Tile on/off, Offline permissions, and Buy without a password.

        Thank you for clarifying. This is what it was meant, Settings from the Store App online, not on the computer.

        • #139677

          On the computer within the Store App. Click on the … next to your ID icon – settings are there.

      • #139666

        It appalls me that every time I check for updates of the UWP Apps, that there is a plethora of apps to be updated. If these are on auto update, they must be constantly updating. This in itself is scary, but combined with automatic Windows Update, it must be a terrible burden on the Users’ (Users who don’t know better and leave defaults, ie, most Users) broadband connections if they pay by the bit. I don’t see how some people can afford Win10 and keep it updated.

        This is known behaviour from iPhones or iPads. They update applications continuously and some of the biggest of all in size are those from Microsoft, like OneDrive or those in the Office suite.
        In some places, there is monthly “unlimited” quota, although unlimited comes with some fine print. The restrictions do not apply to downloads like those for Windows 10 updating or Store updates though, as they in themselves are small compared to what other people do, like streaming video for example.

    • #139786

      I have an issue with windows 10 Store on both Desktop and Laptop.

      Home/Apps all squares are greyed . only Games Tab is working.

      What could be the issue with 1709?

      If I make a new user, it works fine . on both Desktop and Laptop, the language also changing to hebrew my main language, but on my Admin it’s English, maybe it’s something to do with it ?

      • #139837

        Check out Gunter Born’s article (link on main blog). He has some fixes. See mine above #139567

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