• Win10 cumulative update KB 3172985 is out

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    Build 10586.494 The KB article is now available. Details soon.
    [See the full post at: Win10 cumulative update KB 3172985 is out]

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    • #39550

      Question about Win 10.1511: if “Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows” is UN-checked, Will those updates just be deferred for a few months or for the long haul?

    • #39551

      Just 11 updates for me, win 7 U x64 SP1.

      Not a ‘big bunch’, in my opinion.

      However, did not install any, waiting for the all clear…

    • #39552

      Good question, and I don’t know if there’s a definitive answer as yet.

    • #39553

      It took 1hr/19mins to finally get the W10 downloads. It kept stalling out. Once at 56% then 60% then 76%.
      I have to assume that MS servers are clogged for W10 on update day.
      However W7 is fixed for WU with the rollup KB3161608.

    • #39554

      Yep, I’ve heard rumblings about very slow servers…

    • #39555

      On my Win 10 test system I’m still executing manual control over Windows Updates:

      1. Policy change to stop automatic updates.

      2. Use of WUShowHide to determine available updates before requesting them via the Settings App.

      3. Once the list is vetted, manual request of updates via Settings App.

      It’s all good. When I asked I was told about the updates by the WUShowHide tool in just a few seconds, then they installed in just a few minutes when I went ahead and requested them.


    • #39556

      Should be office updates and non-windows update. Unchecked means not installing those, and not secure. Office newer than 2010 use some crazy new update system that doesn’t go through windows update.

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