Windows 7/Group B
I rolled back from March, 2018 to December, 2017 and have installed no Windows updates in 2018 except for Security Essentials definitions. I work in video editing and production, and observed an impact to performance after the Jan. -> March, 2018 security only updates, hence the rollback.
What do I need to install now in November, 2018 that will not drastically impact
my computer performance? Is it safe to install the latest IE11 cumulative update?
What about .NET framework updates–I am running version 3.5.30729.5420?
I’ve read Susan Bradley’s post #218232 about installing all of the 2018 updates, then disabling Spectre/Meltdown protections via registry edits. Is this a viable solution or should I just stay put at Dec. 2017?
Thank you,
Win 7 Pro (x64) / Intel Core i7-3820QM (Ivy Bridge) / 16GB RAM / NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M