• Win 2K Explore Views


    I don’t like the view defaults in Explore in Win 2K. I like viewing Details, but I have to change this for every folder I view. How do I change the default view to details. And, I don’t like the “See Also” panel that displays on the right side with the files. Any way to get the display to be more like Win98 was?? Or at least to get it to default to Detail view??

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    • #519869

      Open Explorer and set the view you prefer.
      Tools | Folder Options |View
      Click the ‘Like Current Folder’ button.
      There are other tweaks you can set up there as you require.

      As a BTW, on the General Tab I have:
      Use Windows classic desktop
      Use Windows classic folders

      • #519875

        Perfect! Thanks much.

        • #521601

          I agree, details view is my preference also. I’m curious, does this also reset folders that are using thumbnail view (like My Pictures) to Details? I have always assumed it does. I guess it would be quicker to reset them all to Details and then reset the few I want as Thumbnails back to thumbnails.

          • #521645

            Paradoxically, although you can set Explorer to show all folders with the same view, this only appears to affect ‘new’ folders browsed.
            There is also a setting for fixing a folder view – see below. This can be quite useful – for example I have a folder full of graphics which always displays in Thumbnail view (which is what I want!).

            • #521857

              Thanks Leif. I’ve got that one set. Guess its time to start experimenting.

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