• Why you should worry about Windows 10 cumulative updates

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    Joe Belfiore says MS has talked with enterprises and determined that glommed-together Win10 patches are the way to go.I say that it’ll work fine – unt
    [See the full post at: Why you should worry about Windows 10 cumulative updates]

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    • #49535

      I think it’s really disrespectful of Windows to do that. They should let the customer decide since we bought the machine.

      I REALLY don’t want Win 10 right now! I’Mhappy with Win 7. I don’t like how how Win 8 was set up with all the APP like a cell phone. Is that how Win 10 is?

    • #49536

      I also noticed that many of these cumulative updates do not have a system restore point created by MS before they install. It creates a great deal of suspicion when they do this (and there may be no reason for it), but I have become paranoid to the point that I think they are making stealth changes with some of these CUs that have nothing to do with the description provided (if provided) and they just do not want the user to know about it.

      I have now taken to creating a full system image before I download and install CUs. Luckily I have the PRO version, but this is going to be a total pain if they release updates at random times during a given month. I’ll run out of disk space in no time.

    • #49537

      Woody: Paul Thurrott is now reporting on his website that the much anticipated Threshold 2 release of Windows 10 will be pushed out as a cumulative update itself via Windows Update. Seems to me that Microsoft HAS TO get this one right the first time or their whole update philosophy going forward could require a complete rethink.

    • #49538

      @MFM –

      MS will get it right – by pushing the update out the Insider Preview Fast lane, then Slow lane, then to the build 10240 people. Lots of chances to get it right by early November.

    • #49539


      At some point, you probably will want Windows 10, unless the snooping drives you away. but for right now, there’s no big rush.

    • #49540

      Yeah, Maybe when this stops working~

    • #49541

      @Woody – I like your optimism even if I don’t share it.

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