Good morning! Well, it’s been 7 months since the Win 7 EOL, and I was wondering who may still be using it – and how?
I am, unfortunately – and would be interested in hearing how others may be faring, and any special tweaks anyone has discovered to keep it running smoothly.
My specs – I have Win 7 Home, no extended updates from MS. I have Malwarebytes Anti Exploit, 0Patch, ESET antivirus running, and keep my Firefox up to date. I run backups using Macrium each week, and regular restore points. I am very careful about browsing – no banking sites, etc. I don’t download anything and haven’t added any software in quite some time – well before the EOL. We do have a Win 10 laptop for more sensitive things – but for my everyday use, this Win 7 is what I use.
I know this is only a marginally “safe” set-up – and I have gotten a lot of good advice from many here at AW on alternatives – which I am looking into, but, given the state of the world, for the time being this is going to be the system I’ll be using. Since January, I had been using Linux Mint with this laptop in a full install on a USB SSD, but that got wonky and I can’t use it now. I have been reluctant to dual boot, so for the past couple of weeks, I’ve been judiciously back to Win 7.
So – I guess, if anyone else is also still using Win 7, and would like to post here, I’m sure there are some who may be interested in what might be working, and what else can be done to keep a Win 7 system working a bit longer.
I appreciate anyone’s thoughts and ideas. I do know that this isn’t going to be a tenable set-up for long, but hoped to keep things working for at least another few months till I can decide on an alternative.