• Which way with Windows? Versions, builds, rings, updates, branches, and editions, Win7 to 10.

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    Cutting through a bewildering array of options. InfoWorld Woody on Windows Kits, cats, sacks, and wives, How many were there going to St. Ives?
    [See the full post at: Which way with Windows? Versions, builds, rings, updates, branches, and editions, Win7 to 10.]

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    • #35242

      I purchased three copies of Win 8.1 & Pro from MS store in 2014-15.
      Also made USB ISO copies of 8.1 and Pro in 2015.
      Now that update Armageddon is nigh, what will/might happen if a clean 8.1/8.1 Pro re-install is necessary?
      Should new ISO’s be created and would they include security updates to this point?
      You have probably covered this somewhere before, but I don’t recall. Any suggestions?
      Thanks for all your help…

    • #35243

      I don’t see any reason to create new ISOs. There haven’t been that many changes since 2015. If you need to re-install, it’s rather easy to bring the copy up to the latest, choosing Security or non-security patches, as you like.

    • #35244

      Good Gawd, what happened to the good old days of ONE os with only service packs? Is M$ trying to lose users or something with all that mess. As for me, I’m sticking with Win7 till end of service or till this laptop kicks the bucket, whichever comes first.

      As for the telemetry and snooping, no thank you microsoft, google does enough of that, I’m sticking with security only. I’m sorry if my hard drive seems ‘fragmented’ to you, but that’s just me keeping your grubby hands off turning my laptop into a psudo-snooping bot. What’s next on your snooping list M$ keyloggers?

    • #35245

      Sorry about that rant Woody, just with all the crud M$ has been doing lately, is enough to make a guy drink, and heavily at that.

    • #35246

      It puzzles me a bit how people can knock Google so much for data gathering when they are, after all a free search engine, not at all equivalent to Windows or Office.
      In any event, Brin and Page have been fairly benevolent guys, and have given created a huge volume of innovative free software the likes of Google Earth, Sketchup etc., not to mention the digitization of all books and reference papers.
      To be fair, Google should really not be included with the likes of Facebook, Microsoft and Apple.

    • #35247

      Rant away Frahaleah. We’re with you. I’ve reached the point where I can’t enjoy using my laptop because I feel like I’m having to continuously battle with MS for control of it.

      I’ve alleviated some of that anxiety though by changing to dual-boot with Linux Mint 18. If I’m just wanting to Facebook or read articles such as this, I just boot the Linux partition and surf away.

    • #35248

      And, it must be said, Google has been very up-front about scraping everything. They got bit in a lawsuit by snooping on free Education accounts, but stopped.

    • #35249

      I couldn’t have worded it any better… That feeling creeps away most of the enjoyment, as working, gaming or just surfing always bring an annoying sense of countdown on a imaginary clock of system stability.

    • #35250

      Woody, thank you for your promise to guide us thru the Group and Group B options as this continues to develop. I plan to stick with Win 7 as long as possible, but I do believe MS will make that decision increasingly difficult to manage as time goes by. They will make Win 7 as unpleasant as possible. I must say this is getting almost too much for my 71 year old brain. I have to think learning the macOS system has to be easier.

      iPhone 13, 2019 iMac(SSD)

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