I’m getting two new home PC’s for myself and my wife. We have both been using Windows 7 and MS Office Professional 2003 for years. We use Word, Excel, Outlook, Publisher, and Powerpoint, and the old versions are entirely adequate for us. But I’m trying to decide what version of MS Office to get for the new PC’s. There are vendors who sell downloadable versions, but I’m not sure whether they reliable or authentic, and I would really rather have a CD anyway. However, there is a website called SoftwareGiants selling MS Office 2016 Professional as a download for $79.99. Is there any way to tell whether this is legitimate? Or whether this vendor is an authorized seller ? We really don’t need the latest and greatest version of MS Office and really don’t want to pay for it, but do need something. Thanks in advance for any advice, either on which version of MS Office would be adequate for us and/or the best source of this version.