• Which forced win10 patches should I avoid?

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Windows » Windows 7 » Questions: Windows 7 » Which forced win10 patches should I avoid?


    Long ago I set Windows Update to manual, and usually follow the advice to wait a few days, and use the advice from patch watch.

    To avoid a Win10 upgrade, it is clear that KB3035583 should be avoided. But reports on other sites suggest there are others to avoid. They include from one site:
    KB3068708, KB3075249, KB 3080149,

    Another site has this list http://www.wa8lmf.net/Windows10-Info/index.htm


    What am I supposed to think? Fortunately, according to the Belarc Advisor, I do not have any of these patches installed. But I am confused.


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    • #1529737

      It seems 3035583 is the one to avoid for requested/auto updates. This is the one that installs GWX.

      cheers, Paul

    • #1529783

      Any idea why therefore the other patches are listed?

    • #1529808

      …To avoid a Win10 upgrade, it is clear that KB3035583 should be avoided. But reports on other sites suggest there are others to avoid…

      Have a look at: http://windowssecrets.com/forums/showthread//171747-Need-Help-With-These-Few-Windows-Updates?p=1023535&viewfull=1#post1023535

    • #1529840

      Thanks. The explanation I wanted is at the end of that thread.

      • #1530014

        I read this thread with interest, and I must be missing something. I have installed all those updates and am not at all bothered by any undesired efforts to install Windows X (I’m running 8.1). It’s true that the GWX icon appeared in my notification area, but one can hide it just like any other of the icons, and it has never bothered me, and nothing is happening that’s trying to force Windows 10 on me. Is there something troublesome that’s not happening on my system that is happening to others?

    • #1530087

      I was just doing my homework and taking precautions. Several times in recent years I have been severely inconvenienced by a patch, so I am always cautious, and I do not want Microsoft to sneek in a patch which ends up forcing me onto Win10. On the other hand, I evaluate what I read. That is why I asked the question here, on this forum, because I know I can trust information, and if there is disagreement, it will be calmly and fairly aired.

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