• Where’s the Firefox buzz? (Firefox)

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    I find it astonishing that more people aren’t using Firefox. I would have thought we’d have a separate forum for it by now. I recognize that some folks need to continue using IE for specific purposes, but …

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    • #1075200

      FF has by now become the most important non-Microsoft browser for Windows, so this forum (Other Browsers & Email Clients) is to a large extent about FireFox (and ThunderBird). The number of posts about Opera etc. doesn’t warrant splitting off a separate forum for non-IE, non-FF browsers.

    • #1075241

      I use both, but IMO poor old IE7 gets slated just because it’s the “in thing” to deride all things microsoft. Sure, FF has advantages in some areas over IE and vice verse. Just go with what suits you but I wouldn’t be surprised if IE isn’t still most popular browser amongst many people world wide.

      • #1075253

        I’m an exclusive Fx user but I also use linux as my os. I prefer Fx but you’re right about the knocking of MS. There are some people who just seem to hate anything to do with it.
        Each to his own, I say.

        Great to see everyone back by the way. Well done.

    • #1075242


      I find it astonishing that more people aren’t using Firefox

      [/indent]Most people just use what came with their PC – meaning Internet Explorer, in most cases. Firefox is great, but until it comes pre-loaded with new machines, I don’t expect to see it as anyone’s default. In fact, we’ve got Firefox on a lot of PCs at work… and people still use IE, because it’s what they know: click that blue E to get on the Internet.

    • #1075245

      Hi Jezsik

      I am in the position where I am split between the two browsers. If I am on the web I am an avid Firefox user as I find it a reliable tool however the application I support for my work will only work properly in IE due to the various scripts that run in it. I have a dreadful time ensuring that IE7 is not installed on my work laptop. Other reasons that I use it is because my College uses

      Looking at the Who’s Online, I think I have only seen one regular who uses Opera but there is a good entourage of Firefoxers, I don’t think it warrants a seperate forum IMHO as there are not that many questions shrug

    • #1075249

      The most recent figures I’ve come across are here. Internet Explorer has about 64% of the market, compared with about 17% for Firefox.

    • #1075270

      Only IE has “Premium” Outlook Web Access, meaning that it pops reminders and has a more Outlook look-and feel interface. Otherwise I’d never use IE.

      • #1077579

        Yes, I use the IE tab extension so I still get the IE rendering of my Outlook Web Access but within Firefox wink

        • #1077596

          And this gets you the features of OWA Premium? (Click/expand the + to see the Premium/Basic comparison.)

          • #1077601

            I’m pretty sure most of them do, although unfortunately the new message notification doesn’t work on my system (which admittedly is quite a pain as it means you have to remember to keep checking for new messages)

          • #1077665

            IETab is an extension that uses the IE ActiveX control to render pages using IE inside a Firefox tab. It’s a potential security hazard if people forget to keep both the extension and Windows up-to-date, but more convenient than using two browsers.

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