• where to get office 2k (office 2k)


    Where can I purchase an Office 2000 suite – professional or premium? It seems like no one is selling it anymore!

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    • #627991

      Your profile is pretty blank – where in the world are you?
      Guessing you are in the States – you could try Viosoftware.

      • #628002

        Sorry, I’m in New Jersey, U.S. of A. USA . Thanks for the tip, I’ll check it out.

        • #628107

          Well, I just logged on to ask exactly this question!
          But looks to me like VioSoft has only Small Business and Standard editions available. I also need either Professional or Premium. Any other suggestions out there?
          I have disks available at work – I’m just trying to get a legal copy to put on my home computer because it is such a nuisance not to be able to work at home.
          I guess Microsoft wants us to buy XP – but NO ONE I need to be compatible with has plans to upgrade, so XP won’t do me a bit of good!

          I am also in the US.
          Thanks for any additional suggestions,

          • #628108

            Well, they are advertising Office 2000 Professional, according to the link I posted above . . .

            • #628164

              You are right. They have an OEM version (no tech support) of Professional for $340.00.

              Thanks for pointing me toward it!

          • #628130


            I don’t believe that the file format in Office XP is any different than Office 2000 or Office 97. Access is the exception. In theory, you should be able to save a document or workbook in Office XP and someone using Office 2000 or Office 97 should be able to open it and use it. Granted it’s always better to be working in the same version of Office that those you exchange file with use, but if you can’t get Office 2000, Office XP should work.


            • #628146

              Access is why I need Prof or Prem, and I already have problems moving between 97 and 2000 with that – as I see you are aware. Even the VBA has some changes between versions, so code sometimes doesn’t run!

              I’ll try writing to VioSoft. They have no price listed for Prof or Prem, and they say it is “out of stock”. Perhaps I was too hasty in concluding this means they won’t be getting more.

            • #628148

              Wuts that one that Woody has in WOW, http://www.cheaperoffice.com[/url%5D? I’m willing to bet that MS isn’t selling it anymore. Maybe Ebay?


            • #628214

              The code change was between Access 97 and 2000 and it came with the change to a true VBE environment and the addition of ADO as the default object model. There is relatively little code difference beween A2k and AXP because they’re both based on VB6 (97 was based on VB5) and there are only minor enhancements between the two releases. However, if you purchase Office XP Premium, you have a legal right to “downgrade” Access to the earlier version and I believe there have been some threads on this.

    • #628170

      Have you tried “eBay”, but watch for what is listed in the discription.

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

      • #628313

        I recently had the same need and was able to find Office 2000 Premium on Ebay – paid $375 for it – but as DaveA warns, read carefully – there are OEM versions as well as full MS versions available. Good luck.

    • #628657

      You can find some places by searching at http://www.pricegrabber.com[/url%5D.

      But I’d want conformation that your getting a shrink-wrapped package, legit license and whether OEM.

      See http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod…1/search=office 2000 microsoft/ut=c77d6d26e3bc7b99[/url].

    • #630433

      I’ve had good luck with Atomic Park.com. In one case, when Standard wasn’t available, they shipped me Professional with eDocs (no manuals, but not OEM) at the same price. You can always call to check stock.

    • #630467

      (Edited by charlotte on 09-Nov-02 08:12. to correct url link)

      They have O2K Pro here for $299.99 I think.

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