• Where is this Document? (All)


    Quite often because I’ve opened a document from a shortcut or as an attachment I’m not sure where the document is actually located. This little macro opens the folder with the document itself selected. Thanks to Hans for his contribution.

    The same macro can work with Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents

    Sub FindMe()
    'Macro created 25_June_2006 by Owen Gwynne
    Dim Here_I_am As String
    Dim OK As Double
    Dim What_I_am As String
    Dim Mypath As String
    Dim My_Name as String
    What_I_am = Application.Name
    If What_I_am = "Microsoft Word" Then
        Mypath = ActiveDocument.Path
        My_Name = ActiveDocument.Name
    ElseIf What_I_am = "Microsoft Excel" Then
        Mypath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
        My_Name = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    ElseIf What_I_am = "Microsoft PowerPoint" Then
        Mypath = ActivePresentation.Path
        My_Name = ActivePresentation.Name
    End If
    If Mypath = "" Then
        OK = MsgBox("File Not Saved, no current folder defined", vbOKOnly)
        Here_I_am = "explorer /n, """ & Mypath
        Here_I_am = Here_I_am & """ , /select,"""
        Here_I_am = Here_I_am & Mypath & "" & My_Name & """"
        OK = Shell(Here_I_am, vbNormalFocus)
    End If
    End Sub
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    • #1017800

      Edited by HansV to correct error – thanks to Gfamily for alerting me


      Some remarks:
      1) If the module containing this code has a line Option Explicit near the top – which I recommend very strongly in almost all circumstances – the macro will not run. So if Option Explicit is present, it should be commented out or removed. For this reason, I wouldn’t store other code in the same module.
      2) You can use FullName instead of combining Path and Name of the active document/workbook/presentation.
      3) If you don’t use the return value of MsgBox and Shell, there is no need to assign it to a variable.
      4) You can use Select Case instead of repeated ElseIfs.

      Here is the resulting macro:

      Sub FindMe()

      ‘Macro created 25_June_2006 by Owen Gwynne

      Dim Here_I_am As String
      Dim What_I_am As String
      Dim My_Name As String

      What_I_am = Application.Name
      Select Case What_I_am
      Case “Microsoft Word”
      My_Name = ActiveDocument.FullName
      Case “Microsoft Excel”
      My_Name = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
      Case “Microsoft PowerPoint”
      My_Name = ActivePresentation.FullName
      End Select

      If My_Name = “” Then
      MsgBox “File Not Saved, no current folder defined”
      Here_I_am = “explorer /n, /select,””” & My_Name & “”””
      Shell Here_I_am, vbNormalFocus
      End If
      End Sub

      • #1017821

        As always I learned something from your post, but I cannot see a benefit of the code over the simple menu sequence of File | Properties | General tab.

        • #1017829

          The difference is that this macro opens an instance of Windows Explorer with the correct folder and file selected. If you don’t need that, File | Properties is sufficient (or a macro that simply displays ActiveDocument.FullName in a MsgBox).

        • #1017853

          Hi Don,
          If you want to use any of the rightclick functions on the document – for example send it to a zipped file, rename it in the same location, call up the Web publishing wizard or even something as simple as being able to drag and drop it into another folder (rather than having to navigate the through the Save dialog box) this is now only one-step away.

          • #1017859

            Be careful with that – the macro opens the document in Windows Explorer while it is open in its application, so you cannot rename the document or move it to another folder. You must close the document first.

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