• When should you retire your Apple device?

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    ISSUE 19.47 • 2022-11-21 Look for our BONUS issue on November 28! PATCH WATCH By Susan Bradley Apple’s recent releases encourage new hardware. There a
    [See the full post at: When should you retire your Apple device?]

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

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    • #2499882

      When should you retire your Apple device?

      When you stop getting the new iOS version. You can keep using your iPhone 8.

      iPhone models compatible with iOS 16

      iPhone 8

      iPhone 8 Plus

      iPhone SE (2nd generation)

      iPhone SE (3rd generation)

      iPhone X

      iPhone XR

      iPhone XS

      iPhone XS Max

      iPhone 11

      iPhone 11 Pro

      iPhone 11 Pro Max

      iPhone 12 mini

      iPhone 12

      iPhone 12 Pro

      iPhone 12 Pro Max

      iPhone 13 mini

      iPhone 13

      iPhone 13 Pro

      iPhone 13 Pro Max

      iPhone 14

      iPhone 14 Plus

      iPhone 14 Pro

      iPhone 14 Pro Max

      * Intel Mac users should dump them as soon as possible.

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      • #2500009

        As I note in the article, something may be supported but it’s not ideal, nor is it recomended if you are security minded.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        • #2500093

          Your recommendations for someone who “may be targeted” make sense.  But how about including a recommendation for the “average” user who is NOT a target???

          Ex:  I am 77 years old. I have an iPhone 11.  I do not do banking or anything financial-related on my phone.  I use it 99% for phone calls, texting, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Calendar, and occasional Google searches.  I have an iPhone ONLY because I wear hearing aids and the MFI (made for iPhone) connection is still much more reliable than Android low energy.

          I am about to upgrade to iOS 16 because I think the hearing aid connection issues have been worked out, but I HOPE I do not need a new PHONE for several more years!!

          I have been reading this newsletter in its many forms since it was Langa List and have always enjoyed it and found the information valuable.  Thanks so much for all you do.

      • #2500288

        I guess my iPhone 7’s days are numbered.   It isn’t broken and still works perfectly fine.

    • #2499913

      In your article you state “a new option called “Install System and Data Files”. No, the option is “Security Responses and System Files”.

      The option is found at “Settings | General | Software Update | Automatic Updates”.

      You failed to provide the complete path to the setting.

    • #2499916

      There are other reasons for new hardware, amongst them longer battery life...

      My wife tells me that, like clockwork, it seems that every two years her iPhone’s battery suddenly holds less power, as if it was planned that way. (Nah, couldn’t be!)

      Group "L" (Linux Mint)
      with Windows 10 running in a remote session on my file server
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    • #2499970

      Regarding devices “you want”, the iPhone SE third generation also has the A15 chip.

    • #2499972

      I would not call the Security and Privacy section of the iOS user guide “compreshensive”.
      There is more here
      Granted its poorly organized.

      Interesting to note that the online iOS user guide is now exclusively for version 16. Seems to have changed just as Susan was writing her article.

      Get up to speed on router security at RouterSecurity.org and Defensive Computing at DefensiveComputingChecklist.com

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    • #2499976

      Physical security exploits against iOS devices are rarely demonstrated within two years of the release of the underlying architecture.”

      Hmmm.  What percentage of all iOS devices experience security exploits?  What percentage of iOS users have devices that are 2 years old or newer?    Could this alone be the reason it is “rarely” seen?

      I have an iphone 6s.  it still gets security updates, not less than a week after release (thank you, Gordon Kelly) .    My computers are all Windows 10, updated monthly (thank you, Susan Bradley).  I try to not click on links in email that may be suspicious. Or visit too many suspicious web sites.  So far, so good.

      Be aware, in case someone is getting ideas,  I am NOT a “high-value target”.   Really.

    • #2500029

      I try to not click on links in email that may be suspicious. Or visit too many suspicious web sites.  So far, so good.

      This won’t help you at all against ‘Pegasus’ (and similar hacking tools). Better be on the latest iOS version.

    • #2500124

      For iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and macOS Ventura:
      Apple to launch ‘lockdown mode’ to protect against Pegasus-style hacks
      by Dan Milmo and Stephanie Kirchgaessner – 06 July 2022

      “Apple is launching a “lockdown mode” for its devices to protect people – including journalists and human rights activists – targeted by hacking attacks like those launched by government clients of NSO Group using its Pegasus spyware … Apple, which is suing NSO in the US, said the new mode was designed for users at risk of being targeted by some of the “most sophisticated digital threats, such as those from NSO Group and other private companies developing state-sponsored mercenary spyware.” It described the mode – which will come with iOS 16, iPadOS 16 and macOS Ventura in the autumn – as an optional measure for a “very small number of users” … Apple is offering a reward of $2m (£1.7m) to anyone who can find a way round the new setting.”


      How to Enable Lockdown Mode for Heightened Security on iPhone and iPad – by Tim Hardwick – 28 October 2022

      How to Use Lockdown Mode in macOS Ventura – by Will Graf – 7 Days Ago

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    • #2500168

      I feel good about the iPhone 8Plus and iPad (8th gen) I have. A12 Chip in the iPad and it feels secure. The iPhone will get replaced within a year once I find a replacement I can afford. All in all it seems @Alex5723 has a good list here that would be considered secure with an updated iOS.

      MacOS iPadOS and sometimes SOS

      • #2500245

        The third generation iPhone SE is a pretty good value.

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