• What’s wrong with OneNote — and what you can fix

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    ONENOTE By Mary Branscombe OneNote is one of my favorite applications — but one that frustrates me far too often. It’s not me or you — it’s OneNote. H
    [See the full post at: What’s wrong with OneNote — and what you can fix]

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    • #2547145

      I do find it integrates reasonably, and there’s that Buzz word again “Seamlessly,” with Apple Notes.

      Only a recent discovery here and to my mind rather a feature that I never heard about, certainly nothing M$ shouts from the rooftops.

      One Note is a very capable programme certainly capable of actually being useful although Apple Notes is a Cheap and cheerful “Jotter” is mainly what I need but as I move frequently between Windoze PC’s, a MacBook and an iMac during the average day for work and leisure its quite handy although one criticism it needs prompting to Sync between devices and anything done in one OS up to 30mins before often doesent catch up with you.

      It lessens the amount of little unintelligible scribbles on scraps of paper that used to line my Pockets.

      So probably now it’s a keeper and years ago when I used to make Win10 8.1 and 7 images for the “field” Machines it used to be an early casualty to slim down the size of the image or just another superfluous entry in the menu to uninstall.

    • #2547446

      Thanks for the informative article, and the tip about the Onetastic addin!

    • #2547541

      I think that it is odd that one can’t move containers from page to page.   Or that containers can’t be selected to print.   Click on top container bar and whole container is highlighted. go to print>selection, and onenote will print the entire page. it ignores selection.

      I have also thought that onenote search is not well developed.  primitive.

    • #2547571

      I am also against wasted screen real estate. In fact, I posted a suggestion in Microsoft’s Feedback Portal to make OneNote’s section tabs slimmer.

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