I’ve been wrestling with this for quite some time, and I think I have a solution that works for me, but I hope to spawn some general discussion on the issue, in the hopes of gleaning your insight on this quandry!
The majority of ‘Internet Users’ out there are using either Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater, or Netscape 6.0 or greater. These browsers are Very common, and constitute a substantial portion of the browsers used out there. As a web-programmer, It is in my best interests to keep things simple, not only does it make life easier for me, but most importantly, it lowers costs for my client. In my mind, keeping things simple means EXCLUDING off kilter browsers such as Opera, Mozilla, or even the 4.x renditions of Netscape. I can easily code separate pages to maintain true cross browser compatability, but in many cases, this means creating 4, 5, or more iterations of the same page, all coded to render in different browsers, thus costing my client more.
I agree that ultimately, it depends on the audience, but just where exactly do you all draw the line? How do you handle cross-browser compatibility?
Thanks, and Warmest Regards,