• What am I?

    Home » Forums » Outside the box » Fun Stuff » What am I?


    What you are looking at right now, is simply of a different class. In my class, I always have a parent, and I can have several children. One child is specific to your focus, but can be changed with a tab. I am part of some office suites, but not all.

    What am I?

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    • #927916

      A window?


      • #927920

        Good guess, but the answer needs to be much more specific. There are enough clues to figure it out, though it is VERY technical.

        • #927939

          Well, more specifically, I’m looking at a window of class Internet Explorer_Server, which has both parent and possibly children. I guess it depends what I’m looking with. WRT the office suite, I guess it could be a userform, with numerous child controls or maybe even a MDI child window.


          • #927941

            Getting closer. There is a specific type of ‘window’ which the clues point to. The ‘moving’ focus is the catch. It’s a little known design quirk of something specific in a particular office application

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