• Welcome to beta testing of Outlook

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    PATCH WATCH By Susan Bradley By the time you read this article, the desktop version of Microsoft’s Outlook application will have returned to its norma
    [See the full post at: Welcome to beta testing of Outlook]

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

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    • #2365336

      If your are subscribed to Microsoft (or Office) 365, you can add a new DisableAutoCompleteUpdate key in the Windows registry.

      That key is not new. It’s been available for three years to revert to the previous style of address autocompletion:

      I’m happy to say that Microsoft listened. You can now use a registry key to go back to the old-style list of names. Not only is it a simple list, but it displays at least 40 entries in the autocomplete list.

      The (good) Autocomplete list is back

      The fix was to remove that key:

      If you are using the DisableAutoCompleteUpdate registry key so Outlook uses the older simple autocomplete list, removing or renaming the value should fix the autocomplete list opening upward.

      Autocomplete is messed up in Outlook

    • #2365346

      Note that the Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel encompasses only enterprise and business subscription plans as well as some GoDaddy personal plans; it’s not available to all retail versions of Office.

      This conflicts with what you said last month:

      Note ANY VERSION of Click to run can be done to made to do this flip to what I call the fuddy duddy versions that don’t change as much as the monthly version.

      Tasks for the weekend – April 10, 2021 – change your Office

      (and for the last three years: I’ll want you to change to the semi-annual feature update channel rather than the monthly update channel.)

    • #2365517

      I read the two quotes below to mean that I get security only updates and fixes.  I do not get new features.  I am thinking Office 2019 is therefore on the monthly channel by default and semiannual, feature updates, are blocked.

      “Office 2019 is a one-time purchase . . . .  The applications are not automatically updated; to get the latest version, you must purchase Office again when the new version becomes available.”  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/p/office-home-business-2019/cfq7ttc0k7cq?activetab=pivot:faqtab

      “Non-subscription version of Office Home & Business 2019 . . . .  You’ll get security updates and fixes during the supported period, but you won’t receive new features . . .”  https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/how-do-i-upgrade-office-ee68f6cf-422f-464a-82ec-385f65391350

      I think Susan is also saying that people with Office 2019 can only try to go back to a previous version if there is a problem.  My Office 2019 Product Information page does not show any channel: current, monthly or semiannual. (see attached)  Changing the registry to change the channel is not an option and trying may cause other problems.

      But here is the thing, if I only get security updates and fixes and never get feature updates, I don’t think I need to worry about feature updates.  It’s the other stuff Microsoft sends that can cause problems for people with Office 2019.



      HP Pavilion Desktop TP01-0050 – 64 bit
      Windows 10 Home Version 22H2
      OS build 19045.5487
      Windows Defender and Windows Firewall
      Microsoft Office Home and Business 2019
      -Version 2501(Build 18429.20132 C2R)

    • #2365542

      By the time you read this article, the desktop version of Microsoft’s Outlook application will have returned to its normal behavior — being only slightly annoying.

      But on Tuesday, May 11, its behavior was downright obnoxious. Our own AskWoody forums started lighting up with users complaining about their inability to read messages in Outlook. Later in the day, Microsoft’s 365 Twitter account lit up with the same complaints. The only remedy was a roll back to a prior version, which, if you’ve never done it before, is hardly obvious.

      What happened?

      Word’s Web Layout was apparently responsible:

      Microsoft sheds some light on perplexing Outlook blank email incident: Word was to blame
      Office 365 users learn that Microsoft can make or break their productivity every 4 hours

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