• Warning messages (2003)


    Is there a way to stop the warning messages from appearing when appending data to a table? I have several macros that select data, deletes it and then imports a new file and copies and paste append.

    I would like all this to take place without the user seeing the messages.


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    • #1088385

      In your Macro, prior to manipulating data, select set warnings and set to off.


    • #1088631

      In addition to Gary’s reply, don’t forget to have another Set Warnings action at the end of the macro to turn it on again, otherwise warnings will remain turned off for the rest of the session, which may not be desirable.

      • #1088706


        It works great from my computer..I am running the full version. The users have run-time version and they are still getting the messages. Is there a way to turn them off for the run-time?

        • #1088715

          As far as I know, the Set Warnings action should work in Access Runtime too, but I cannot test it.

          As an alternative, you could use VBA code. The instruction

          CurrentDb.Execute “QueryName”

          will execute an action query without displaying warnings.

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