• Warning for users of TurboTax 2023

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    If you have used TurboTax in the past, either buying the disc in a store or getting it as a digital download, be prepared for a big snag. Intuit now requires anyone who uses TurboTax to have or create an Intuit account just to be able to install the program from the disc.

    The big problem is, if you have used the program in the past and have never had an account, it won’t let you create an account if you have given them your email address previously to get notified of your return being accepted by the IRS.

    For the past svereal years, I have bought the TurboTax disc in a retail store, and used it to fill out and file my taxes by e-file.  Turbo would notify me by email that the return was sent and when it was accepted. I have never had an account with TurboTax or Intuit.

    When I installed the disc, it prompted me to sign in to my account. Since I’ve never had an account, I clicked on create an account. I put my email address in an it said that address was already in use. I tried to click next to see if I could get a “forgot password” option, but there was not. It gave me the option to sign in using a code sent via email, so I clicked that and a six-digit code was sent. I entered that and it said they needed more info to verify who I was. There were no questions or other options to do this.

    Frustrated, I called support. The rep told me this was a problem a lot of people were having. Because I had given them my email address in the past to get notified of return acceptance, it won’t let you create an account using that email address. The only option was to upload a copy of my passport or driver’s license to verify my identity (which I still don’t see how that would since I have never had an account in the first place!). I told her I was not doing that and she said the other alternative was to create an account using a different email address. I said I wasn’t going to do that either and that I would not be using TurboTax or any other Intuit product ever again. I asked what I could do about getting my money back for the disc I bought, since it had been opened I wouldn’t be able to return it. She told me I could return it even though it had been opened as long as it was not activated, which it wasn’t. I haven’t gone to the store yet, but I have my doubts they will give me a refund.

    Just wanted to let folks know. Probably not a big deal for folks to just use a different email address to create an account, but I have to make my stand. There is no reason for you to have to create an account, everything worked fine previously without one.



    3 users thanked author for this post.
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    • #2638408

      A former TT user, I’ve downloaded TaxAct for 11 years with No issues and rare needs for Help have been easily attained. I “think” they’re similarly priced BUT I always call for post-Thanksgiving special price offerings and my ’23 Premier Fed (up-to-5) – State eFile was  $120 ….

      I’d call them 319-373-3600 and via any logical prompt Ask IF they have any price specials still for a Turbo tax user wanting to try TaxAct. Worth a try IF you want to pursue them. Good Luck


      W10 Pro 22H2 / Hm-Stdnt Ofce '16 C2R / Macrium Pd vX / GP=2 + FtrU=Semi-Annual + Feature Defer = 1 + QU = 0

    • #2638425

      We have been using TurboTax for years but we do not e-file.

      We downloaded and installed TurboTax Deluxe 2023 last November.

      Until today, the app opened and was usable after checking for updates.

      Today was different, it asked us to log into our account.

      Apparently, we created a TurboTax account back in 2018.

      Logged into the account, entered the Product Key and all was well.

      Has anyone documented a security risk or other problem associated with a TurboTax account?

    • #2638506

      It seems to me that TurboTax does something stupid almost every year. I “made my stand” about eight years ago. When I installed TurboTax, I got a lot of unasked for icons on my desktop. These were all links to stuff I wasn’t interested in. I’ve used H&R ever since and never had any problems.

      Where am I? What am I doing in this hand basket?

    • #2638534

      The only option was to upload a copy of my passport or driver’s license to verify my identity (which I still don’t see how that would since I have never had an account in the first place!).

      The Federal Information Worksheet from the last time you e-filed your federal taxes has your drivers license number in it. In addition, the worksheet has your address, and your drivers license has your address on it. Your drivers license number is linked to your social security number. Your tax return and the Federal Information Worksheet also have your social security number on it. So, there a number of ways TT can match you and your drivers license up with your past TT tax filing to verify your identity.

      So, if you’ve used TT in the past to file electronically, it knows who you are, even if you don’t have a TT account.

    • #2639591

      When I spoke to the support person on the phone, she told me that there was nothing in their system showing that I had an account, not even an email address. The fact that the email address was used in order to communicate the status of an e-file, an account can’t be created using that email address.

      Bottom line is I’m not jumping through all those hoops due to a screw-up on their part (and not sure that if I did it would be resolved). There should be a simple and easy way for them to correct the problem and allow for an account to be created. However, why the need for an account all of the sudden? From what I’ve read around the web, a lot of people are having problems with the software this year being unable to create accounts and/or validate the program.

      I ended up filling taxes out by hand. Took a while with all the worksheets to be figured, but overall not that bad.

      • #2645144

        I enjoyed all the comments above knowing that I’m not the only one who had issues this year.   The first time we called customer support, he hung up on me.  The second call to customer support was not any better and she could not resolve my issues,  all the issues that people mentioned above,  creating an account, logging in,  even being able to access my previous years tax return to get my AGI that was needed to file electronically.   I will not be using Turbo Tax ever again.  Our taxes are simple and H&R Block will do just fine.  So sad they screwed up their product.

    • #2646373

      Hi Everyone, and specifically Dean.

      We have the same problem. I also had been using the CD for years, just to avoid the snaggle of doing my taxes online. My old HP (with CD) blew up so I now have a new Mac sans CD capability. So I downloaded Turbotax Desktop and could not sign in having the same issues you are having. I did get to tech support and the guy was at least pleasant but did not tell me there was a big known issue. He sent me a link to recover my account. I did all the things. I got an email verifying my email and phone. And another saying Support would send me a link to reset my password. This was two days ago.

      So, since it’s been two days and no password reset email from them, I called to check on it. The new guy was a total asshole. Basically he said he had no idea if/when I’d get a response. This after I had to read the email to him a few times. It was a simple email…. He was so obnoxious I could have strangled him. I am very accommodating with tech as I consult tech for important issues at work.

      I just fell on this forum and read Dean’s account. So now I know what’s going on in reality. I wonder if I should just bail now. If it’s true that my original email just can’t be used, then, I am waiting for nothing because that is the email they have for me still. Nobody told me I needed to change it. The rep I talked to did not give me the info your rep gave you.

      I bought my download from Office Depot. So, since I cannot login to Turbotax the license code has not been used. I wonder If I can ask for a refund.

      Thanks for posting here, I hope this gets out there to some of the bigger forums.



    • #2650700

      This should be covered in the media. At least the rep I spoke to was honest with me and didn’t give me any BS. Basically told me I would have to create a whole new account with a new email address in order to use the product. Turns out, I can’t use the old software now either! I went to pull up last years return in TT22 that was installed on the computer. It updated the program on opening and now it won’t let me view anything in it without logging in to “my account” which I don’t have! Thankfully I have printed copies of everything.

      I will NEVER use anything related to TurboTax or Intuit again. I was able to get a refund for the return of TT23 at the retailer I bought it from, they at first told me it was policy not to accept software that had been opened. I explained what the Turbo Tax rep told me, she called a manager, and they allowed the return/refund, so props to them for that. If they hadn’t, I was going to take it up with Intuit.

      LG, I’d contact OfficeDepot and see if you can’t get something worked out with them.


    • #2653123

      I ran into that block even though I had an account… they kept asking for personal info I was not going to give them, I’ll never use TurboTax again… after multiple tries it finally let me enter my activation code


    • #2653534

      after 1 hour w/ Inuit Customer Svrc – I’m not sure who to feel worse for – my wasted time on this poor timing of Inuit to require account establishment or the CS for their minimal resources. They can’t assist in resetting passwords, deactivated email or verifying my information. Yes – 2023 will be my last with Intuit

    • #2656801

      Try returning it even if opened. If that fails, stop payment at the credit card company. You will have to call and dispute the charges.

      report the issue to your consumer affairs bureau at the county and state attorney general office.

    • #2657720

      We already had an online account, so it was a simple matter of validating login credentials after installation.

      TT 2023 Premier works well for us…as it always has in the past.




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