I let WDSynch work on my computer last year and I got multiple copies of the same file. The name was different because of the UTC date stamp in the titles (shown in attached file). The problem is now I am trying to delete all the other copies. I am dealing with music files and there are 12 copies of the same file and one original (13 total). I want to keep one copy, the first one!
I have tried in command prompt: find /V “???(2017_08_026 21_56_04 UTC). mp3 which works for one directory ie one album. I have 1000 albums to work through saved on my NAS MYCLOUDPR4100. Find requires a named drive ie d:\ not \\MYCLOUDPR4100\CH-DESK\Data\F\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Elton John\The Diving Board, and Find won’t work. Any solution or other method to accomplish the job?
Any suggestions for making this easier? Thanks!
Cheers from British Columbia