• WannaCry hits Honda car plant in Japan

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    … and, according to Reuters, they shut the plant down. The automaker shut production on Monday at its Sayama plant, northwest of Tokyo… Production
    [See the full post at: WannaCry hits Honda car plant in Japan]

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    • #121503

      It’s not clear from your post what “the block” means. Something that doesn’t prevent infection but does prevent encryption? What exactly is that something?

    • #121644

      So to be clear, they were unpatched. But somehow they discovered that they had been repeatedly attacked. But only after multiple successful infections. This does indeed smell fishy.

      -- rc primak

      • #121645

        The odor may come from the journalist translating from another language? I have no real insight to this, so may not be helping. But for the most part I find engineers are usually very clear when conversing in their native language.

    • #121682

      WannaCry Ransomware Infects 55 Speed and Red-Light Cameras in Australia
      By Catalin Cimpanu | June 22, 2017

      Fifty-five speed and red-light cameras in the Australia’s state of Victoria were infected with the WannaCry ransomware.

      The incident took place last week and was brought to light by a local radio station. According to current information, the infection took place during maintenance operations, as a human operator connected an infected USB to the devices, which were apparently running on a Windows OS.

      Read the full article here

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