• Video download problem

    • This topic has 20 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago.

    A video geek needed!

    During the past 18 months or so I’ve been a regular viewer of http://www.theoperaplatform.eu, and seen quite a few works – often from Eastern Europe – that I had never heard of, yet alone seen, plus a selection of modern ‘interpretations’ of classics from more famous venues.

    However, since early December all I get with FF is “Cannot load M3U8: Crossdomain access denied.” This also applies to works I downloaded some months ago, not just those released recently, so something must have changed on my PC rather than the sender.

    Googling the above message didn’t help. One site gave instructions to go to Internet Options/ Security/Miscellaneous and enable ‘Access data across domains’. As this was clearly related to IE, I selected ‘prompt’ rather than ‘enable’ for added security. That didn’t work, even when later switched to ‘enable’. All other sites listed by Google were beyond my comprehension.

    Whilst the operas will play using IE or Chrome, they will not download, and that is essential to allow viewing on the TV downstairs in the lounge. We live in a modern UK house = small, and my study is tiny, designed as a nursery, and with insufficient room for two people to sit in comfort for several hours. Ideal as a study though, with my desk under the window, door and computer desk on the opposite wall, allowing me to swing from one to the other without moving the chair, and side walls lined with bookcases.

    Video DownloadHelper works well with FF, have tried three with Chrome all unable to find a video although it is playing, and IE doesn’t seem to have any add-ons for downloading.

    All suggestions gratefully welcomed.

    A further question if I may. Several of these downloads start with 10 – 20 minutes showing people entering the building. No matter when one presses record, it always starts with this unwanted content. With a DVD recorder it is easy to delete unwanted content, but it seems to be impossible on a PC.

    Windows 8.1 Home

    Viewing 8 reply threads
    • #1589014

      Try disabling all extensions in FF.

      cheers, Paul

    • #1589042

      Thanks Paul.

      The videos play OK in safe mode, but without extensions there’s no way to download. Tomorrow I must work out which one is causing the problem, presumably by deleting them one by one until the download functions.

    • #1589046

      At what point do you see the ‘Cannot load M3U8: Crossdomain access denied.’ error?

      I’m using Firefox 50.1.0 (i.e. up-to-date) and have just installed the Video Download Helper extension. I had no problems/errors downloading http://www.theoperaplatform.eu/en/video/royal-opera-house-nutcracker-waltz-snowflakes using the ‘helper’ extension.

      If you post a specific URL from the site that you’re having problems with then I’ll have a look.

      Hope this helps…

    • #1589049

      Try bypassing the platform site: start the player and choose share in upper right of screen. Copy the url http://tinyurl.com/gl6zld8
      Try to play and capture from there and the cross site problem may disappear. That said the site may not be wanting to allow ‘downloading’ their content.



      Just because you don't know where you are going doesn't mean any road will get you there.
      • #1589369

        Apologies for the delay in replying, I‘ve been without a phone line for 2 days, hence no internet.

        Tuesday afternoon I opened FF and disabled Flashblock, first choice as the culprit, but that made no difference. Next was NoScript, the M3U8 message didn’t appear and the opera started playing, so I decided to check that downloads were working, but at this stage the opera froze and nothing happened. Glancing at the router the red light was on, which has been happening quite a lot recently, 6 or more times daily. Rebooting the router failed to get things working so the PC and router were shut down for a few minutes. As this proved ineffective I repeated the process, this time removing the connections to the router, which also failed.

        Deciding to ring my ISP to ask if they had an outage, I discovered the phone line was dead. Using a neighbour’s phone I rang BT and was informed there was no engineer available until Thursday afternoon.

        He soon found the problem. When reconnecting on Tuesday I had plugged the phone line from the wall socket in to one of the 4 extension sockets on the router, and the Ethernet cable to my PC was unconnected. I don’t understand why that should prevent the phone from functioning, but was told it created a loop and the phone line would not know where to go. I was happy to have the internet back, but annoyed with myself for making a stupid mistake costing £130. The engineer said he must have had 1,000 customers who had done the same thing. Probably a degree of hyperbole there!

        Anyway the original issue is resolved, I now know I must disable Noscript when downloading video. Still open to suggestions on how to remove unwanted footage at the beginning of a download.

        Dealing with a backlog of some 100 emails became difficult on discovering that the drop-outs had become far more frequent. There were 8 between 18.25 and 19.53, usually lasting a few minutes each, but the last one lasted until 20.30, during which period PC and router were rebooted, but still failed to connect for 5 -10 minutes.

        I had intended phoning BT this morning, as they had only done half of what necessary, but decided to ring my ISP first in case the problem was at their end. They tested the line, and told me meanwhile to plug the phone line into the test socket. When they rang back with the line result I was able to confirm there had been no drop-outs since making the change, and some 4 hours later still no disconnections, so hopefully everything is now OK. There said that after a major phone outage it is normal to have a lot of drop-outs for 3 -4 days, so I should leave phone extension and broadband plugged into the test socket until next week, when all should be well. Fingers crossed.

        • #1589373

          When reconnecting on Tuesday I had plugged the phone line from the wall socket in to one of the 4 extension sockets on the router

          What router has phone extension sockets? The only time I’ve seen a phone socket on a router was for a VOIP connection and that won’t affect the router.

          cheers, Paul

          • #1589472

            Sorry for the wrong choice of words, i should have said router or computer lead – not sure of correct terminology.

            There are two leads from the wall socket, one to the extension phone and the other which plugs into the bottom socket on the Netgear router, but I put it in one of the other four sockets, intended for connecting computers, and possibly other stuff. I run an Ethernet cable from one of these to my PC, but forgot to reconnect after closing down the PC and router. This lapse of memory was probably due to the fact I sometimes switch the Ethernet to a different socket when having connection problems, and had done so in this case.

            Thanks again for your #2, which cured the M3U8 blip. Everything now working well.


          • #1593378

            What router has phone extension sockets? The only time I’ve seen a phone socket on a router was for a VOIP connection and that won’t affect the router.

            cheers, Paul

            In the US, Verizon has a cellular router with Ethernet and phone jacks, so that you can get both home internet and home phone from them.

            Group "L" (Linux Mint)
            with Windows 10 running in a remote session on my file server
        • #1593286

          Still open to suggestions on how to remove unwanted footage at the beginning of a download.

          George, here are steps for doing this simply with Microsoft Movie Maker. However, that can take a while, and the results mightn’t be great—it’s a general purpose tool, which are usually not great at any specific tasks.

          You should get faster and better results with a program aimed at trimming video. Here is a nice list of free choices on Gizmo’s.

          Alienware Aurora R6; Win10 Home x64 1803; Office 365 x32
          i7-7700; GeForce GTX 1060; 16GB DDR4 2400; 1TB SSD, 256GB SSD, 4TB HD

    • #1593290

      The broadband cable from the phone socket to the router is known as the ADSL cable, but there’s only one socket that I know of that it will connect to, so not sure how you came to plug that into an Ethernet socket on the back of the router – or have I misunderstood ?

    • #1593371

      Ethernet and phone plugs are of the same family – RJ. You can plug a 4 pin phone version into an 8 pin ehternet version, but not the other way around.

      cheers, Paul

      • #1593374

        Ethernet and phone plugs are of the same family – RJ. You can plug a 4 pin phone version into an 8 pin ehternet version, but not the other way around.

        cheers, Paul

        Do you have any pics of them – I know what a RJ11 looks like but not came across a phone plug and how it would fit into a RJ45 socket or however it is connected.

        • #1593377

          Do you have any pics of them – I know what a RJ11 looks like but not came across a phone plug and how it would fit into a RJ45 socket or however it is connected.

          Does this help? RJ11 Phone to RJ45 Jack

          • #1593397

            Does this help? RJ11 Phone to RJ45 Jack

            Not really.

            Thanks Browni – that was what I was wanting to see.

            Is this an US thing as I’ve never seen those types of routers before – but there again, I’m with TalkTalk for my phone and FTTC broadband and only ever been.

            • #1593458

              Is this an US thing as I’ve never seen those types of routers before – but there again, I’m with TalkTalk for my phone and FTTC broadband and only ever been.

              The home internet and home phone cellular devices have both been around for many years. It’s only in the last year that I’ve seen both functions combined in one cellular device. Also, having Ethernet jacks on the home internet device is new – I don’t believe I’ve ever seen that.

              We had a rare internet outage in our area over the weekend, which lasted a few days. During the outage, I was looking into alternative ways to get home internet. I knew about the Verizon device, but one thing that is new with Verizon is that you can now get unlimited data for a flat fee each month. In my case, I would pay US$100 per month for unlimited service on my non-smart phone and my home internet device — Verizon has never offered unlimited data before for home internet service.

              Our internet service is back up, so we have decided to stay with the local phone company for our internet service, because it is a small company which provides excellent tech support. But if we were in an area which had Verizon 4G and no local internet provider, I would definitely go with Verizon home internet service.

              Group "L" (Linux Mint)
              with Windows 10 running in a remote session on my file server
        • #1593381

          Do you have any pics of them – I know what a RJ11 looks like but not came across a phone plug and how it would fit into a RJ45 socket or however it is connected.


    • #1593398

      You’re welcome Sudo.

      My picture is of a Thomson 780WL which was supplied to O2 Broadband customers in the UK, you can see why the different ports were colour coded!

    • #1593399

      Yes – even if someone can’t read they should see the difference 🙂

    • #1593469

      Folks, the OP hasn’t posted since 21st Jan when he/she seemed OK with a resolution, i.e “Everything now working well.”

      Has this thread now gone as off-topic as it can or should someone open a new one?

      • #1593471

        Folks, the OP hasn’t posted since 21st Jan when he/she seemed OK with a resolution, i.e “Everything now working well.”

        Has this thread now gone as off-topic as it can or should someone open a new one?

        Nah – I was just looking for clarification as to how someone could get those sockets mixed up which has now been answered.

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