A video geek needed!
During the past 18 months or so I’ve been a regular viewer of http://www.theoperaplatform.eu, and seen quite a few works – often from Eastern Europe – that I had never heard of, yet alone seen, plus a selection of modern ‘interpretations’ of classics from more famous venues.
However, since early December all I get with FF is “Cannot load M3U8: Crossdomain access denied.” This also applies to works I downloaded some months ago, not just those released recently, so something must have changed on my PC rather than the sender.
Googling the above message didn’t help. One site gave instructions to go to Internet Options/ Security/Miscellaneous and enable ‘Access data across domains’. As this was clearly related to IE, I selected ‘prompt’ rather than ‘enable’ for added security. That didn’t work, even when later switched to ‘enable’. All other sites listed by Google were beyond my comprehension.
Whilst the operas will play using IE or Chrome, they will not download, and that is essential to allow viewing on the TV downstairs in the lounge. We live in a modern UK house = small, and my study is tiny, designed as a nursery, and with insufficient room for two people to sit in comfort for several hours. Ideal as a study though, with my desk under the window, door and computer desk on the opposite wall, allowing me to swing from one to the other without moving the chair, and side walls lined with bookcases.
Video DownloadHelper works well with FF, have tried three with Chrome all unable to find a video although it is playing, and IE doesn’t seem to have any add-ons for downloading.
All suggestions gratefully welcomed.
A further question if I may. Several of these downloads start with 10 – 20 minutes showing people entering the building. No matter when one presses record, it always starts with this unwanted content. With a DVD recorder it is easy to delete unwanted content, but it seems to be impossible on a PC.
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