• VBA Tutoring? (Word97/2000)


    Not sure if this is legit on this site….. but I’ve bought a few VBA books, but I’m a very visual learner. I’ve been looking for someone to teach me VBA, but not able to find anyone in my area. I’m looking for someone to tutor me in VBA in the Edison, NJ area.

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    • #610723

      I offer a service via email.

      If you are interested, send me email at kaikow@standards.com.

    • #610818

      Microsoft has a number of public newsgroups dedicated to VB/VBA, and you could ask there as well. You can probably get there from here using groups.google.com or the MS Communities link that appears at the bottom of the main page of the Lounge.

    • #610898

      Drew Wutka, who hangs out in the AccessD List, among other places, has posted a downloadable VBA tutorial on his website at http://www.wolfwares.com/General%5B/url%5D. You might take a look at that as well.

      • #610954

        I’ll second Charlotte’s reccomendation for this.

        I am reading it right now and it it top notch. Very logical, very clear and very well written.

        Worth a read as a starter, if you can’t find anyone locally.

      • #611688

        Just a BIG heads up. I just recently posted it to my site. However, I wrote it close to 2 years ago. Apparently my English has vastly improved since then because I reread it a few days ago, and found a LOT of grammatical errors, and even a few ‘technical errors’. Though the technical errors aren’t that big of a deal, since they could be considered an easier way of understanding something.

        Any who, when I get the chance, I’ll edit/update that doc.

        • #611847

          Looks very good (and I’ve seen quite a few that I’ve scavengered the web for)! I’ll check back in later to let you know what I’ve learned….
          But I’m still in pursuit of a local tutor, as opposed to emailing, though the offers are VERY well appreciated. I want to be able to interact with live document examples, Q/ A’s… (though I suppose Netmeeting might work). I want to be able to attempt processes with the “teacher” over my shoulder to explain how I goofed it….. I guess it’s just knowing how I best learn. – Jody

          • #611849


            (though I suppose Netmeeting might work)

            [/indent]It might work better than you think.

            I have used it as a means to do a code wlakthrough on an Access Database project with folks from various parts of the globe (UK, Russia, Canada and the US)

            It worked quite well, with the exception of 1 person who couldn’t get it to work through his firewall or router.

          • #611992

            A live local tutor would not be the least expensive route.

            My first Client tok the following approach.

            She has several Word VBA books that I have.
            As she read them, she sent me questions.
            Worked fairly well.

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