• VB/VBA Language Feature (VBA Office 2003)

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    Strangely enough, yesterday for the first time in a very long time, I needed to stop by the Lounge to ask a question and it wasn’t coming up. I was a little bummed that this great resource was gone. Glad to see it was just a DNS issue.

    Anyway, is there a language feature in VBA that allows you to check for membership in an array, collection, or dictionary?

    In Python you can do

    dwarves = [‘grumpy’, ‘dopey’, ‘sleepy’, ‘happy’]
    dwarf = ‘grumpy’
    if dwarf in dwarves

    Perl has something similar like
    if grep $dwarf @dwaves

    Is there some sort of construct in VBA that you can do this? I was in Excel and I only need to process a set of sheets in a workbook. I couldn’t find anything to do something like

    if sheetname in sheetnames

    I ended up writing a function that uses a Select Case statement with each case being a sheetname. I could have done a big if statment with a pile of “or”s.

    Am I missing something?


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    • #1046781

      No, VBA doesn’t have a specific operator for this. You can create a custom function, for example

      Function SheetExists(SheetName As String) As Boolean
      Dim sht As Worksheet
      For Each sht In Sheets
      If sht.Name = SheetName Then
      SheetExists = True
      Exit For
      End If
      Next sht
      End Function

      Use like this:

      If SheetExists(“Sheet37”) Then

      And to annoy Chris Greaves, here is another version:

      Function SheetExists(SheetName As String) As Boolean
      Dim sht As Worksheet
      On Error Resume Next
      Set sht = Worksheets(SheetName)
      SheetExists = (Err = 0)
      End Function

    • #1046782

      In an array of strings, rather than check every value, you could try the Join() function:

      If InStr(1, Join(myArray, vbCrLf), myString, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then

      In a Collection, you can use error trapping to test for an item by key, but if you want to check the data item assigned to that key, I think you have to loop through.

      For the VBScript Dictionary object, I don’t use it often enough to recall…

      Added: I didn’t read the part about Excel sheet names. Never mind!

      • #1046786

        Thanks everyone.

        The Instr solution looks like it will work. I’ll need to give it a good comment to explain what it’s doing.

        • #1046806

          I’m kinda rusty, but aren’t you going to have to loop the Sheets Collection to get it into an array, therefore defeating the purpose of avoiding a loop? Or is a Collection redim-able as an array?

          (You can get selected sheets into an array by macro-recording it, but I didn’t think that either the Sheets Collection or the ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets Collection is an Array.)

          I feel a learning experience may be imminent.

      • #1046909

        The Dictionary object has an Exists method – it’s a real shame the Collection doesn’t!

    • #1046825

      If it’s checking for the existence of a Worksheet name in the Workbook, here’s another take on it, without the need for setting an error trap:

      Option Explicit
      Public Function GetRef(strSheetName As String) As Worksheet
      'Returns a reference to a named worksheet.
      'Returns Nothing if the worksheet doesn't exist.
          Dim wks As Worksheet
          Dim idx As Long
          With Application.ThisWorkbook
              For Each wks In .Worksheets
                  If wks.Name = strSheetName Then idx = wks.Index: Exit For
              Next wks
              If idx = 0 Then
                  Set GetRef = Nothing
                  Set GetRef = .Worksheets(idx)
              End If
          End With
      End Function


      • #1046907

        That won’t always work unfortunately – the Index property of a worksheet returns the index in the Sheets collection, not the Worksheets collection. You would need to change it to:

        Option Explicit
        Public Function GetRef(strSheetName As String) As Worksheet
        'Returns a reference to a named worksheet.
        'Returns Nothing if the worksheet doesn't exist.
            Dim wks As Worksheet
            Dim idx As Long
            With Application.ThisWorkbook
                For Each wks In .Worksheets
                    If wks.Name = strSheetName Then idx = wks.Index: Exit For
                Next wks
                If idx = 0 Then
                    Set GetRef = Nothing
                    Set GetRef = .Sheets(idx)
                End If
            End With
        End Function

        in case there are any chart sheets. But you could shorten it to this anyway:

        Public Function GetRef(strSheetName As String) As Worksheet
        'Returns a reference to a named worksheet.
        'Returns Nothing if the worksheet doesn't exist.
            Dim wks As Worksheet
            Dim idx As Long
            With Application.ThisWorkbook
                For Each wks In .Worksheets
                    If wks.Name = strSheetName Then Set GetRef = wks: Exit For
                Next wks
            End With
        End Function


        • #1046910

          Yep yep, I adapted this (quickly and carelessly) from a general collection routine I wrote to avoid errors/error handling when adding or deleting items. I can see your abbreviated version is much better, for the case of simply retuning a reference.


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