• V1 vs V2

    • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago.

    Well, I’m getting sick of using Image Composer 1.5, so I thought I’d try PhotoDraw. Unfortunately, I only have version 1 of PhotorDraw and missed the $20 technology upgrade to version 2. Is version 2 worth paying the ~$110 for the upgrade from version 1, or would it be better to get something like Adobe’s ImageReady or Macromedia’s Fireworks?


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    • #517641

      you can’t really compare fireworks and image ready with photodraw.

      photodraw is no longer in developemnt, i wouldn’t spend $100~ – but that’s my opinion.

      try paintshop pro or photoshop – i think adobe offers a trial of PS, PSP does have a 30 day trial, http://www.jasc.com

      • #517717

        I did a little more research. Image Ready is now part of PhotoShop. I also read a review of several Web graphic software packages. PhotoShop, Fireworks, and PhotoImpact scored the bast. Paint Shop Pro was lacking. Although I may evaluate it myself.

        I think I had read that PhotoDraw was not going to be part of the next Office suite. I didn’t hear that it was going to be discontinued. Is this part of the shot in the arm MS gave Corel?

        Thanks for the tips.


        • #517722

          I don’t know about a shot in the arm from corel, but photodraw was not really at the level of semi-professional use. Photoshop is, but also costs mega$$$$.

          I haven’t used photoimpact, but do own photoshop 5.5, paintshop pro 6, lview pro 2, corel draw 8 and photodraw 2. plus a few freebies – including Image composer.

          i find i’m using paintshop more and more since it doesn’t need reinstalled if i reformat when testing software. photoshop is the best, but between the high learning curve and the high cost, is not for everyone.

          coming from IC and PD, i’m not sure which program you might find easiest to use, start with the ones with demo programs, then decide.

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