• Using Palm with ACT! (Symantec)


    Hello Everyone

    I am thinking of buying Act! formerly by Symantec now by Interact Commerce.

    Does anyone use Act? If so I would really appreciate your comments about it.

    Many thanks

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    • #514269

      Hi Jeffery
      I had been using ACT since it started, and up to mid 1998, ending with Act 4.1

      In my opinion, it was an outstanding program for my purposes, quick, rich in features, reconfigurable, and far less complicated as it’s better competitors such as Goldmine. There are lots of good organizers on the market. It’s just that I felt Act was the best at getting my act together (pun intended!)

      One of the strongest features was the ability to maintain an on-going history of any contact, whether business or personal. Of course, the ability to give notice of my upcoming activities was also invaluable. (It will also interact with your palm providing you get Act’s sync conduit.)

      I personally no longer use Act simply because I’m about 75% retired (last year) and I no longer have need for Act’s many strengths and talents.

      My Palm desktop organizer now does all I require.

      All that

    • #514361

      Yes, I have used ACT for over five years and have used it with my Palm for over one year. When you sync with the Palm it is a great way to finally stop carrying a paper calendar and have all to-dos and appointments, phone numbers, etc in one place. We use ACT like an electronic correspondence file. If different people in our firm deal with the same client, they can document their conversation and others can read it and keep up to speed. You can also attach files (like a Word doc) to a client’s record.

      My only problem was posted here previously. If you want to use your Palm for both a personal and work address book, there is no way to keep them separate.

      Palm and ACT are both great in my opinion.

    • #522377

      I’ve been an ACT user since ver. 2.0 and Palm since original Palm Pilot.

      ACT 2000 has a new Palm link ver 2.0 which is excellent. It let’s you add a lot and customize a lot of the Palm display to show ACT data… and it’s free and fast.

      good luck


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