Hi Everyone:
XL 97 HELP for INDEX Function says:
“INDEX({1,2;3,4},0,2) equals {2;4}” BUT when I copy and paste this into my WS, the answer comes up as 2 regardless of whether I enter it as an array formula or not.
Also, the following equation: =MATCH(“ccc”,B3:F3,0) yields 1, when ccc is in cell B3? What do I use if I want to return a row # rather than a column number?
Also, suppose you have an array, say in cells B3:G3 and one of the values in the array is duplicated in cell A1. Then, what should MATCH(A1,B3:G3,0)) return? Should it return the cell address within the array.
All the above is prelude to my problem, which is that I am trying to get something like the following to work:
INDEX(B$1:F$1,???,0) where in place of “???” I would have an equivalent function to MATCH(H3,B3:G3,0) that would return the row # for which I want INDEX() to return the vector that is in that row(within my array, of course).
Thanks for any help