Hello everybody!
I have a question, which is possibly easy to answer (but maybe I am too naive). I would like to create a form (that’s the easy part…). But now comes the point. When I use this form, I would like to still be able to insert tables, graphics and so on (all you can do in a usual word-document). For me it seems that it is not possible to realize this. Since I am usually a user of Excel, I have the idea that it must be possible to protect only some parts of a document, and leave other parts unprotected.
The idea behind it: I want to create a template for reports. There I want to have some Checkboxes on the first page, through which I may choose, what kind of report the reader may expect. This can be done easily by creating a form. Unfortunately it is essential to have every freedom Word gives the author to write the report.
Does somebody have a suggestion for this? Any help will be appreciated!!
Many greetings, Porley