• Using an iPad and replying with a selected quote

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    • This topic has 33 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago.

    Using my laptop and wanting to reply to a post, I hit the “reply” button, then go back to the post, use my mouse to highlight the part of the post that I want to include in my reply, and hit the “quote” button, and so only THAT part of the post will appear with a heading “{poster} wrote:”.

    In the next post, i am going to see if I can get the same thing, using my iPad.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by WCHS.
    Viewing 12 reply threads
    • #2547899

      Using my laptop and wanting to reply to a post, I hit the “reply” button, then go back to the post, use my mouse to highlight the part of the post that I want to include in my reply, and hit the “quote” button, and so only THAT part of the post will appear with a heading “{poster} wrote:”.

      In the next post, i am going to see if I can get the same thing, using my iPad.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by WCHS.

      I am testing here to see if I get only the selected part of the post? Or if I get the entire post that I am replying to.

      • #2547904

        As you can see here, the quote section (above) shows the entire post and not the part I selected (i.e., highlighted), which was “In the next post, I am going to see if I can get the same thing, using my iPad.”

        So, how does one select with an iPad (or a phone) to quote only a portion of a post?

        • #2547906

          Highlight by dragging your finger over the text?

          • #2547908

            yes, tapping on the text, moving the cursor to the beginning of the text I want to quote and dragging my finger to the end of the part I want to quote, and then hitting the “quote” button at the bottom of the AskWoody message box that is ready to take the reply.

            What I get in the message box is the coding to quote the entire text. The coding does not indicate the part that I selected in order to quote only the selected part. It looks like this: {postquote quote=2547908} — using braces here instead of brackets, for obvious reasons.

            • #2547910

              Which browser are you using ?

            • #2547913


              Is there a way to manually modify the code for a quote so that it will contain only a part of the quote and not the entire thing — maybe, add something more to what’s within the brackets

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    • #2547919

      I modified the coding. Let’s see if it works.

      Edit: Nope … the modification that I made did not work.

    • #2547921

      Will this work?

      Edit: Nope … another modification did not work either.

    • #2547967

      Try {quote quote=2547921}Will this work?{/quote}

      • #2547977

        {quote quote=2547921} Will this work?{/quote}

        NOTE: in the real code for the quote to appear in the message box, square brackets are to be used instead of the curly braces here.

        maybe, add something more to what’s within the brackets

        Post-edit: Yes, it does. The text quoted comes from #2547913.

        My conclusion is that when using an iPad, you cannot select (i.e., highlight) a portion of text to be quoted and then click on the ‘QUOTE’ button at the bottom of the post from which the selected text is to appear as a quote. If you do that, you will get the complete text, not a portion of it. To get just part of the quote, you have to manually code it, using the format that @b provides, but actually using square brackets instead of curly braces.

        Maybe, that’s why some of the quoted text in posts is exceedingly long: posters are using iPads or iPhones/smart phones to reply to posts and if they select a portion of the post to quote, the complete post is quoted instead.

        2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2550029

      @WCHS Thanks for bringing this issue with ipads/iphones to the forefront with AW crew, thanks @b for answer (unyet tried).

      I switch back and forth between PC & IOS on Ask Woody postings, esp when trying to sort out a downed PC and having only an Ipad to use with AW site. Has been troublesome for quite awhile. Perhaps code issues? Here is my query on that last year; see @Myst discussion as well there. Never did figure out ‘parts of quotes’ unless digging out my ipad keyboard until this post. Though using even the keyboard as of this date no longer works.

      Cheers, we’ll see! I’ll now try to remember curly braces when on IOS into my memory bank.


      • #2550034

        I’ll now try to remember curly braces when on IOS into my memory bank.

        Just to be clear, you DON’T use curly braces when you actually code for a partial quote in the AskWoody message box. You use square brackets.

        This is how the quote above was typed into the message box:

        In @b ‘s post (and my post, too), the curly braces were used as a substitute, because otherwise it would be acted upon as actual code and that was not the intent.

        So, if you intend it to be actual code, you use square brackets. The result in the post will be a tan-colored background, the ID of the poster (in blue), and a portion of the poster’s text (in italics), as you see it at the top of this post.

    • #2550050

      Test of ipad partial quote as per @WCHS using ask woody reply default visual vs text tab (not made clear in above convo):

      To get just part of the quote, you have to manually code it

      -put the “curly brackets” in body of my post so as not to ‘skew’ code.

      There MUST be a better way for ios users Then manually typing in both front end bracket ‘code’,  then go up and hilight text from a post you wish to post, then come back to paste and then type in manual code at the end? NOTE: I tried both ‘text’ tab, and ‘visual’ tab in AW options. Using above instructions. Doesn’t need to be this difficult to post via iph/ipad?

      Attempt number 5 at editing this text test (w/out keyboard)

      • #2550117

        using ask woody reply default visual vs text tab (not made clear in above convo):

        It’s difficult to tell which tab is active, because the background color looks nearly the same.

        Additionally, the typescript looks the same (except for the font), no matter whether using the ‘visual’ tab or the ‘text’ tab, so it makes no difference which tab you choose (IMHO) when formulating the code for quoting a portion of a post.

        And it makes no difference in its appearance when posted, either.

        But, I agree … there should be a better way for iPhone/iPad users to quote in a reply a portion of a post.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2550192

          Have you used the desktop mode in Safari (vs mobile ?)

          How to View a Desktop Site on Mobile Safari

          • #2550214

            Have you used the desktop mode in Safari (vs mobile ?)

            How to View a Desktop Site on Mobile Safari

            Viewing the AskWoody site on my iPad, I don’t see a difference in how the Mobile Website option vs the Desktop Website option appears or works. In both, you cannot effect a partial quote without manually coding it.

            I didn’t do it here because the post to be quoted is short and it takes time to type it (a number of keys to hit for just one square bracket alone and double-checking that it’s formatted correctly b/c that’s critical).

            2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2695093

      Testing a few things here from Ipad 8th gen (no keyboard)

      1. testing partial quote from existing thread

      2. testing partial quote from another AW topic

      3. testing link from outside source.

      <b>Reason</b>: searching my own AW ‘favourites’ is time consuming as are many, and as ‘nuggets’ of info and advice are embedded to often in unrelated topics. Gets convoluted. ie PK had good advice on now having to transfer/originate copy/paste from within Notes App vs from my email draft  (proton). Even as I type, if I select text ‘reason’ to bold, it ends up with odd code, as you can see. I have to delete what I wish to bold, and retype using B icon within AW.

      • #2695094

        1. testing partial within topic:  my own post

        Testing a few things here from Ipad 8th gen (no keyboard)

        1. testing partial quote from existing thread

        2. testing partial quote from another AW topic

        3. testing link from outside source.

        <b>Reason</b>: searching my own AW ‘favourites’ is time consuming as are many, and as ‘nuggets’ of info and advice are embedded to often in unrelated topics. Gets convoluted. ie PK had good advice on now having to transfer/originate copy/paste from within Notes App vs from my email draft  (proton). Even as I type, if I select text ‘reason’ to bold, it ends up with odd code, as you can see. I have to delete what I wish to bold, and retype using B icon within AW.

    • #2695097

      Nope. Selected (finger hi-lighted ONLY my first “1. testing partial within… FAIL. Got full post.

      • #2695098

        Click on Reply first – opens new reply.
        Scroll up to the post you want to quote.
        Highlight partial.
        Click on quote button.
        Quotes partial to new Reply you opened in the location your cursor is.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2695105

          So you can’t do it in a new post (eg. as a New Reply to same topic?) to quote a partial quote on ipad? Must reply to one post at a time? Simply confused, as from PC it is effortless. ie can EASILY create “New Reply” from top of Topic, and partial quote from anywhere in a Topic. hmm.

          My test 1. used a posted reply (my own) as a test.  Using reply (see above) then finger ‘highlight selected txt from my reply, got full.

          Test to do with PK instructions:

          1. testing partial within topic:  my own post

          Testing a few things here from Ipad 8th gen (no keyboard)

          1. testing partial quote from existing thread

          2. testing partial quote from another AW topic

          3. testing link from outside source.

          <b>Reason</b>: searching my own AW ‘favourites’ is time consuming as are many, and as ‘nuggets’ of info and advice are embedded to often in unrelated topics. Gets convoluted. ie PK had good advice on now having to transfer/originate copy/paste from within Notes App vs from my email draft  (proton). Even as I type, if I select text ‘reason’ to bold, it ends up with odd code, as you can see. I have to delete what I wish to bold, and retype using B icon within AW.





        • #2695109

          PK: thx but got same result after highlighting just “ 1. testing partial within topic”, Quote.

          Test number 1 again: Used steps (from Susan’ tutorial on ‘using site’, both Steps 5 & 10.

          As you can see a) See  step 5 use upside down quotation marks in visual toolbar did not work (It simply indented text above????)

          Nor did your step 10 there. Nor your instructions above?? 🤔

          UPDATE: once submitted my reply, whatever I was typing (test number 1 again…) ended up as a indented ‘quote’? It isn’t a quote, I simply typed it in, after following PK’s instructions?  What on earth is going on?

          As well, anything I want to ‘bold’ I must delete & retype using AW in visual.

    • #2695101

      2. testing partial quote from another AW post. Using Post 2695077126950771

      • #2695110

        Showing what happens when following instructions for quote from another AW topic post-OK, but  always have to delete manual typed number?   (NOT stated in Susan’s directions) AFTER “linking”

        Same with my test number 3. pretty links. I manually delete numbers not part of link; left them in today to show what truly occurs,

        Regarding Partial quotes on iPad, it has never worked

        I will assume this issue on AW site will never be resolved as you focus on PC. Would be helpful when trying to fix a downed PC and only have ipad to use for AW contact?


        Note this “more” below just showed up on my AW edit screen (as entire line ‘———-MORE———‘ after editing post, it shows as : (see last line below)..will leave it there for AW tech to figure out. Ipad is clean.

        Weird, I’ll leave it for you to sort out


    • #2695102

      3. testing ‘pretty link’ AKB2000013AKB2000013

    • #2695112

      @WCHS Is this still occurring for you since your 2023 post ? ie having to put in coding? Anyone else?

      Have you used the desktop mode in Safari (vs mobile ?)

      How to View a Desktop Site on Mobile Safari

      Viewing the AskWoody site on my iPad, I don’t see a difference in how the Mobile Website option vs the Desktop Website option appears or works. In both, you cannot effect a partial quote without manually coding it.

      I didn’t do it here because the post to be quoted is short and it takes time to type it (a number of keys to hit for just one square bracket alone and double-checking that it’s formatted correctly b/c that’s critical).

      • #2695127

        Hi @Deo,
        AW is not friendly for posting a reply with a partial quote in it, if using an iPad (and maybe even a mobile phone). I never found any way around manual coding to make partial quotes happen. It’s very cumbersome.

        You say “no keyboard”. You must mean “no physical keyboard”?? I should think you can get a visual keyboard to show up on your iPad screen. I can.

        The number of the post can be anywhere, i.e., from the current thread or from another AW topic — all you need is the number of the post.


        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2695134

          Thank you so much for confirming @WHCS ! Yes no PHYSICAL keyboard.

          Beyond frustrating when in the frays of working on unresponsive PC, and only contact is ipad with AW? Have to type out the ‘quote’ codes, replying to a ‘responder/reply’ as is not flagged when timely without quoting?

          AND thus CAN Ask Woody pls explain why they aren’t attending  to this issue, or at the least letting us know it isn’t forthcoming due to word press blah blah?

          Thank you Mods/Susan. It is time to address this one way or another to clarify whether solution forthcoming with so many Apple users now on AW? Just a thought.


    • #2695135

      Test 1. (one hand arthritis, more tapping great🙃.)I’ll handwrite the post number to paper, then manually type in codes and number, as once you press submit then edit upon replying, you don’t have access to scroll to other posts replies in a thread! Beyond cumbersome.

      Test quote with codes: ONE Line from @WCHS “ its cummbersome”:

      Hi @Deo,
      AW is not friendly for posting a reply with a partial quote in it, if using an iPad (and maybe even a mobile phone). I never found any way around manual coding to make partial quotes happen. It’s very cumbersome.

      You say “no keyboard”. You must mean “no physical keyboard”?? I should think you can get a visual keyboard to show up on your iPad screen. I can.

      The number of the post can be anywhere, i.e., from the current thread or from another AW topic — all you need is the number of the post.


      FAILED AGAIN! Enough. Should be easier. AW doesn’t accommodate ipad’s.

      PS I would attach a screenshot of my actual code, but AW doesn’t do that from apple either!!!!

      • #2695136

        Attached pic of code. Note:  middle ‘post quote quote and number’ WAS from  highlighted text(not manually added).  Ridiculous.

    • #2695277

      Here’s my manual coding for it. Compare it with yours. They are not the same.

      The coding produces this:

      It’s very cumbersome

      Just so you know, the “It’s very cumbersome” that you see in the snapshot was pasted, not manually typed.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2695358

        was pasted, not manually typed.

        Thx @WCHS , your manual code visual, and copy/paste text helped! (I was using your code, then PK’s instructions in my attached pic).

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2695364

          …your manual code visual, and copy/past text helped!

          By the looks of the quoted text in your last post, it looks like you’ve figured it out now. The onus is on you, though. You have to remember what the coding is because on an iPad or iPhone, the ‘quote’ button doesn’t put the right code for a partial quote in the AW message box.

          This problem likely explains why quoted text in posts is so long — i.e., posters are using phones/tablets and can’t get partial quotes by highlighting and pressing the ‘quote’ button and they don’t know how to do it manually (or it’s too troublesome to do it that way).

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