• using a string as a saved file name (Access 2000)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Access and database help » using a string as a saved file name (Access 2000)


    ok. Here is part 3 of what I’m working on. I really appreciate all the help and support I have received. Thank You.

    The last thing I need to do is save the table I creating to a shared drive called R:CenterExportLogs. I need the name of the table to be the name of the saved HTML file. I want the strTableName string as my file name. Not sure how to pass that on. This obviously didn’t work. Thanks again….

    Dim strTableName As String

    strTableName = “CenterChanges” & Format(Now, “mmddyyyyhh:mm:ss”)

    DoCmd.OutputTo acTable, strTableName, “HTML(*.html)”, “F:CenterExportLogsstrTableName.html, False, “””

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    • #810830


      DoCmd.OutputTo acTable, strTableName, “HTML(*.html)”, “F:CenterExportLogsstrTableName.html, False, “””


      Try: DoCmd.OutputTo acTable, strTableName, “HTML(*.html)”, “F:CenterExportLogs ” & strTableName & “.html , False, “”

    • #810831


      DoCmd.OutputTo acTable, strTableName, “HTML(*.html)”, “F:CenterExportLogsstrTableName.html, False, “””


      Try: DoCmd.OutputTo acTable, strTableName, “HTML(*.html)”, “F:CenterExportLogs ” & strTableName & “.html , False, “”

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