• updating a specific field


    I have set up an appointment db in Access 97 sr1. One of the fields is for a unique PIN number. This PIN number is given to the customer at appointment creation time so they can give us the PIN number when they arrive for their appointment. Initially the users wanted to create their own PIN number. Now after entering a few thousand appointments, I have been asked to automate the generation of this number. I have free reign on the contents of the PIN number and I can generate PIN numbers for all appointment slots in advance. My question is this. How can I populate the PIN number field only in records where an appointment hasn’t been made? The appointments that are already entered already have pIN numbers so I don’t want them to change. I am game for any suggestions including coding. I just don’t know where to start. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

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    • #510195

      Use a recordset (type dynaset) and populate the recordset with the records that have no PIN yet.

      SELECT * FROM tblYourTable WHERE PIN Null;

      Loop through this recordset and update the records with the new PIN.
      Generate the PIN using a counter and check before updating the record whether the new generated PIN already existst. If it exists generate a new PIN

      In pseudocode

      counter = 1
      open recordset
      while records in recordset
      newpin = “PIN-” & cstr(counter)
      while exists new pin in database
      counter = counter + 1
      newpin = “PIN-” & cstr(counter)
      loop newpin
      update current record with new pin code
      counter = counter + 1
      next record in recordset
      loop recordset

      I hope this helps

      Software designer

      • #510225

        Thanks Bart!
        This will give me a direction to go in and that’s all I needed.

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