• Updates to Windows 7 – Where to Start

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    I must admit that I have been a very naughty boy and not updated my Windows 7 64bit since around September 2016. Updates were taking days, and when I did eventually apply one, I ended up with the black screen of death.

    I use McAfee Internet Security and I have recently found out that it uses Internet Explorer.
    I use IE11, which, as I say hasn’t been updated for over 2 years. This could explain why McAfee has lost some of its functionality.

    So, I would like to get my system up-to-date. Where to start?

    I been going over the web and it’s all very confusing with changes to Servicing Stack Updates, and Microsoft changing the way they roll out updates. Advice as to how to get going would be appreciated.

    My preference is for security updates only, but I am open to others suggestions if it is a lot easier.

    Also, I would like to know, if I apply updates to IE only and not to the OS, would that cause problems and is it even possible.

    I have been pouring over confusing info all w/e and got nowhere. I can tell you that the version of wuaueng.dll in C:\Windows\System32 is version 7.6.7601.19161


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    • #309875
    • #310937

      Thanks Paul

      Looks complicated. However, I will give it a read and then copy my drive to a spare drive and place in my laptop and give it a go.

      One thing. I am not receiving notification of follow-ups to thread via email. Strange.


    • #310945

      Have you clicked on the Subscribe link, top right of the first post?

      cheers, Paul

    • #312567


      I had already registered. I can only guess to that I must have missed the check button to get email notifications.

      One question, if I  may.

      If the check for update run is still taking too long, what is the best way of stopping the update process without screwing everything up?

      • #312645

        You might see it you have the latest Servicing Stack installed. If not, download it from the Catalog and install it manually. Servicing Stacks are exclusive and will not show up in Windows Update until there are no more pending updates in the “Important updates.” This has been a particular problem for Win7/8.1

    • #312635

      I think you have to let updates do their thing, but you can shut down when you don’t want the PC running. Updates will continue on re-start.

      cheers, Paul

    • #312767


      I guess that means installing KB3177467 from the Windows Catalogue.



      • #312775

        There are two in the Catalog. Be sure you get the one dated October 2018 (not 2016)

    • #315544

      Thanks to all, the check for updates ran by the time I had returned to my pc after an hour.


      Now the trouble I have is how to decide which should be installed.

      I see the instruction to hide KB2952664, KB3021917, KB3022345, KB3062708, KB3080149.

      But since that article is over a year old I wonder if other updates should be avoided.

      For instance KB2966583 which is something to do with the Update Readiness Tool. Is that talking about updating to Windows 10? I will not be upgrading to W10. Should I hide that update as well?

      Then KB3138378 appears in my list. People on the web advise against it, not sure why?

      I have attached a file showing available updates, its only 2 pages long.

      Some advice would really be appreciated.

      I am also confused as to the meaning of the following:

      2018-12 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 11, does this include every single security update that was ever produced for IE11. What if I already have some of them installed?

      2019-01 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework…………….

      2019-01 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7……., does include all previous security only updates ever published since the beginning of time?

      Does this imply that the updates listed as Update for Windows 7… are not security updates and can be hidden?Capture1








      • #315559

        Microsoft started Cumulative updates in October 2016. If you are starting a Windows install from scratch, to be sure you don’t miss any necessary updates, the procedure is to HIDE the cumulative updates beginning with Oct 2016 to the present. This will cause the older updates to appear. Install the older updates, then go back and and unhide the cumulative updates and install what is offered. Some will have the “2018-12” type start at the beginning of the name but the older ones have the month at the beginning of the name. The “cumulativeness” begins with October 2016. See AKB2000004.

        Information on telemetry is in AKB2952664 and AKB2000007. To avoid the telemetry, the patches to hide when you see them are listed at the top of AKB2000003. HOWEVER, Microsoft has built the functionality of KB2952664 into the Monthly Cumulative Rollups beginning in Oct, 2018. At that point, avoiding it becomes a matter of neutralizing it as much as possible. This is covered in AKB2000012.

        You will find the Knowledge Base Forum very helpful. Also use the the search box in the right panel to find information about any specific patch or any subject matter you might want to pursue.

    • #315563

      You are already a few steps ahead, but Canadian Tech wrote a very nice instruction for installing a clean and ‘Final’ Windows 7 without downloading any ‘spammy’ updates. Follow the link in his comment #315038.

      LMDE is my daily driver now. Old friend Win10 keeps spinning in the background
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