I must admit that I have been a very naughty boy and not updated my Windows 7 64bit since around September 2016. Updates were taking days, and when I did eventually apply one, I ended up with the black screen of death.
I use McAfee Internet Security and I have recently found out that it uses Internet Explorer.
I use IE11, which, as I say hasn’t been updated for over 2 years. This could explain why McAfee has lost some of its functionality.
So, I would like to get my system up-to-date. Where to start?
I been going over the web and it’s all very confusing with changes to Servicing Stack Updates, and Microsoft changing the way they roll out updates. Advice as to how to get going would be appreciated.
My preference is for security updates only, but I am open to others suggestions if it is a lot easier.
Also, I would like to know, if I apply updates to IE only and not to the OS, would that cause problems and is it even possible.
I have been pouring over confusing info all w/e and got nowhere. I can tell you that the version of wuaueng.dll in C:\Windows\System32 is version 7.6.7601.19161