• Update: Microsoft has responded to the report about defective LG batteries in Surface Pro 3

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    Read it and see what you think. InfoWorld Woody on Windows
    [See the full post at: Update: Microsoft has responded to the report about defective LG batteries in Surface Pro 3]

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    • #31292

      Ugh, that’s just bad all around. When a company thinks that a tablet is only good for 2 years and then disposable, what’s the point of owning it? More market share for others.

    • #31293

      They probably think that the Surface is cheap and it is a disposable commodity. The truth is that the Surface is actually an expensive device when compared with the competition.

    • #31294

      Does the SP3 have a Replaceable battery? It would appear not, so, get a device that has one if that be possible!

    • #31295

      It’s only replaceable in the sense that it’s possible to replace the battery without a shotgun.

    • #31296

      Microsoft’s just gone on their anti-advertising campaign again, that’s all Woody.

      You shouldn’t buy a Surface. We’ll have problems and treat you shabby.

      You shouldn’t buy a Windows phone. We’ll have problems and treat you shabby.

      You should upgrade to Windows 10. It’s free, we’ll have problems, and treat you shabby. But it might be better than how we treat Windows 7/8.1 users. Just maybe.

      But, you can buy apps from our stores! =)


    • #31297

      Oh, and I forgot the other one:

      You shouldn’t buy a Microsoft Band 2. We’ll have problems, treat you shabby, and dump the product as we exit the market.

    • #31298


    • #31299

      I know, I’ll show myself out. But sometimes, my IT humor is black because it’s all I’ve got.

    • #31300

      Could be worse… Note 7 class…

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