• unlinking pictures? (pub2000/win2000sp4)

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    hello one and all!

    as usual, another question. i have a file that was created in pub2003, that a friend managed to convert for me so that i could open it in pub2000 (my last post). i can now open the file, which consists of pictures and text together to make a small card, about postcard size. there are two cards in the file; one has three pictures, the other has four pictures. both have text. i have figured out how to get rid of the text boxes, as i couldn’t edit them the way i wanted (which means i couldn’t edit them at all.) i cannot, though, for the life of me, figure out how to separate the pictures. i want to be able to align them differently, and also want to be able to group them differently, i.e. take pictures from both cards and make yet another card with them. when i click on any of the pictures, the entire file (page?) gets handles on it, not just a single picture, which is what i want.

    does what i am asking make any sense? is it possible to do? if so, please tell me how. the way the pictures are “aligned” now is driving me quite nuts. it’s one thing to be “artsy”, but these things are just haphazardly thrown on the page. hairout arrggghhhhhh…

    thanks for any help that you might send my way; i appreciate it, as always. until the next time, take care and God bless.


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    • #962081

      It’s a while since I used publisher, but if I remember correctly, grouped objects have a border around the whole group if you click anywhere in the group. On the bottom edge of this border is a’link’ symbol. Click on that symbol and it un-links, then click anywhere outside the group and the group is no longer a group.

      As I say, I’m doing that from memory. I hope it works. Let me know.

    • #962115

      I’m currently using 2003, but if I remember correctly, previous versions worked the same way. The “Arrange” menu selection allows you to group and ungroup. Click somewhere within the existing group and then click on “Arrange”. Depending on how the author originally grouped the items, you may have to preform more than one level of ungrouping. For example, it’s possible that 2 pictures were grouped and then this grouping was grouped with a third picture, etc. etc. HTH.

      • #965821

        hello to both rebel and herworth!

        i just wanted to let you both know that i tried what you suggested, but neither worked. i went back to the friend that converted the file for me, and asked her what to do. she suggested that i select the pics that i wanted to ungroup, then click on CTRL-T, and that should do it. nope! didn’t work, either. i’m at a loss here as to what to do. unfortunately, i can’t get hold of the person that originally created the file. he has disappeared from the board, and no one knows how to find or reach him. alas and alackaday.
        nonetheless, i wanted to say thankyou to both of you. i appreciate your offer of help. both suggestions seemed to me that they should have worked. it’s just that some days, you’re the pigeon, and others, you’re the statue. today, i’m definitely the statue! once again, thank you. until the next time, take care and God bless.


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