In the attached sheet, as part of a selection formula, I use AND(OR(LEFT(H4,2)=”Ra”,LEFT(H4,2)=”Ch”),COUNTIF(OFFSET(F4,0,0,-ROW()+1,1),F4)=1 to identify the first occurrence of a Radio Button or Check Box on a form. This works fine if the data in the sheet is from only one form. However, if there are multiple forms in the sheet, the formula causes a control of the same name to not appear when the list is filtered for subsequent forms.
So, in the attached sheet, the radio button named “subrate” should appear (once) when the list is filtered for column I = TRUE and column B either 19 or 20.
Any ideas how I can make my formula return TRUE for the first (or last) occurrence of any particular named one of these elements within a form?
Hope this makes sense!