15th July 2021 – uMatrix Browser Extension
For those who still use the ‘no longer developed’ browser extension uMatrix by the guru Raymond Hill who brought uBlock Origin to many a browser, it would be wise to cast your eyes over an article published over on ghacks.net and implement the workaround as a precaution. (I know there were a few on this forum)
The uMatrix browser extension is still in use. Google’s Chrome Web Store, on which it is still listed, reveals that it has more than 100,000 users, a figure that can be higher as Google does not echo total number of users to the public. The Firefox extension, for which I wrote a guide in 2017, has more than 29,000 users at the time of writing.
Apparently, users of nMatrix (a uMatrix fork) for palemoon need not worry, as this issue has been previously addressed although it is still worth checking that it is up-to-date…as with all browser extensions.
be safe..