• Two questions! (2000 SP1 / 2002)


    I run two PC’s, one Win2k with Outlook 2000 installed, the other Win XP with Outlook 2002 (XP)
    I have different questions about each set up.

    Firstly, I have just started experiencing delays with Outlook 2000 opening and closing mail windows and folders. The delay is about 4-5 seconds, whereas previously they opened instantaneously.
    I have read about this problem starting on XP systems integrating MS Messenger with Outlook 2002, but has this happened with OL200? I cannot find any setting to change in the options. I have also cleaned up my .pst file, reducing it from about 170 to 110 Mb, but this hasn’t helped. What else could be slowing things down? I have ZoneAlarm email check & AVG email checkers enabled, but they always have been. The rest of my system seems to be running fine.

    Secondly, when sending a message with OL2000, I can re[-order my contact list from First name / Surname to Surname / First name, simply by clicking the sort bar at the top of the list in the address book. This bar doesn’t appear in the OL2002 address book. How can I set my list to Surname / First name?

    Thanks for any help,


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    • #646271

      I cannot help on the slowrunning issue but …
      Use Tools > Options > Contact Options to set the sort order for names

    • #646412

      sounds like you used Outlook 2000 in IMO mode… OL2002 uses the Corp mode’s address book layout. You’ll need to change it in options. if you know who you are sending to, let autoresolve complete the names for you…. type in the name, tab out or hit control+K. Opening the address book should be an option of last resort.

      • #646802

        Sorted – thanks for that.
        Why can’t upgrades be more consistent in their layouts?


        • #646894

          it’s related to the issues that resulted in two modes in previous versions. when they went back to one mode, they had to give up some of the features in IMO so it would work with exchange server too.

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