• Two networks…intermittant loss of connectivity

    Home » Forums » Networking – routers, firewalls, network configuration » Two networks…intermittant loss of connectivity


    hello again, mates…(it’s been years, i think)…

    just came over from XP Pro…had to get a 64-Bit machine; & went w/ an ASUS running Win7 Home…which I upgraded to Pro.

    I began to lose my internet connectivity, intermittantly…& noticed that, when it happened, the Network icon in the task bar showed TWO networks…(???)…

    …one labeled ‘Network – No Internet Access‘…

    …& the other labeled: ‘Unidentified Network – No Internet Access‘.

    Sometimes the problem would go away if i rebooted, but eventually it became a permanent dilemna.

    Verizon checked my modem…said it was fine, but sent me a new one anyway. Same problem continued.

    Took the PC back to Best But & swapped it for a new one…& it’s been fine ’till this evening. It denied me access once…I rebooted; & got it back.

    Obviously, something is amis w/ Win 7 Pro in the way the network connection is set up…can’t be two modems or two computers.

    anyone have any thoughts on how to rectify this problem…???



    UPDATE: on the above problem, I noticed it seems to happen right around the time that the OS goes looking for windows updates

    UPDATE (WEIRDNESS) #2: not in the same category…sorry, but…turned the machine on this morning & windows could not find my desktop. rebooted & there it was. (they don’t really have this thing fully ironed out yet, do they?)

    Viewing 20 reply threads
    • #1285913

      Hi Mark, have you tried another LAN Cable ?

    • #1285923

      Check for firmware updates for the router and BIOS updates for the PC.

      Is the PC connected via ethernet or wirelessly?



      • #1285934

        Hi Mark, have you tried another LAN Cable ?

        yep…same deal

        Is the PC connected via ethernet or wirelessly?


        Check for firmware updates for the router and BIOS updates for the PC

        will do…but it happened again this morning (2 networks, no connectivity)…I rebooted; & was fine. THEN…as i went to shutdown…there were the doggone windows updates, ready to install.

        I still think that’s weird (even tho it may not be the cause)



    • #1285955

      Mark, try clearing your router to factory specs, & re input the details re your ISP.

      • #1285960

        Mark, try clearing your router to factory specs, & re input the details re your ISP

        verizon had me do that (reset)…& then they assigned a new #.

        why don’t u guys think it’s windows update…???

    • #1285961

      I don’t think it is Windows Update because there would be widespread reports if this was a Windows Update failure. I’ve seen several posts where an ISP says their hardware including the line is OK, but more testing shows that it is a line problem or a ISP supplied modem problem or an ISP network problem.

      It could be a settings issue but with two different PCs having the same issue that is unlikely.



    • #1285971

      Mark, if your system uses ‘Micro Filters’ change it.

    • #1286072

      How many network adapters are listed in Device Manger? Do you have the latest driver updates for your network adapters? Do you have any Yellow Error indicaters shown in device manger?


      • #1286142

        JoeP517: I don’t think it is Windows Update because there would be widespread reports if this was a Windows Update failure

        well…you’re right about that…I disabled windows update & the problem continues to happen. one thing i’ve noticed is that EACH & EVERY TIME the problem occurs…TWO networks are listed at the network icon in the task area

        How many network adapters are listed in Device Manger? Do you have any Yellow Error indicaters shown in device manger?

        only one…a Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller…w/ NO yellow exclaimation points (of course…at this moment…i’m properly connected to the internet…hence, only one network is showing at the task bar icon)

        Do you have the latest driver updates for your network adapters?

        going for those soon as i leave this reply

        Mark, if your system uses ‘Micro Filters’ change it


        I’ve seen several posts where an ISP says their hardware including the line is OK, but more testing shows that it is a line problem or a ISP supplied modem problem or an ISP network problem

        well…verizon is sending a tech tomorow morning…so i’m hoping he’ll be able to check that…& other stuff like signal strength, etc.

        thanx all…be back as soon as possible


        UPDATE: Updating via device manager tells me that i have the latest driver. driver robot also tells me it’s fine. went to pc pitstop to download anyway, but am not sure if i need the 32 or 64

    • #1286209

      In looking for driver updates you are better off going to the PC manufacturer’s support site or the NIC OEM support site. Windows Update is notorious unreliable for providing correct driver information.



    • #1286213

      I’ve experienced a total failure of the DHCP component of Win 7 SP1. The symptoms sound at least similar. Could this be relevant? http://www.miqrogroove.com/blog/2011/sp1-breaks-dsl-internet/

      • #1286407


        microgroove…not sure, but thanx. verizon WAS able to ping my modem…& they were able to determine that my modem was communicating w/ the pc. when I ran the windows network diagnosis…it told me it’s DNS problem.

        does that soubd related to DHCP…???


    • #1286435

      The problem I encountered was characterized by the modem working correctly and the Win 7 SP1 machine being unable to contact a DNS server. It might be the same problem. The way you would troubleshoot it is by setting a static IP address on the PC as well as static DNS addresses from your ISP or OpenDNS. If everything works fine with static address assignment, then DHCP is indeed broken.

    • #1286464

      I have fought this unidentified network problem on several computers where I supply the tech support. I reached clear back into win98 days to find a fix. The following thread has the two commands in the first post.


      These two commands must be run from an elevated command prompt and will require a reboot.

      Let us know if this resolves the problem. You may have a router that is not playing nice with IPV6.

      • #1286579

        The way you would troubleshoot it is by setting a static IP address on the PC as well as static DNS addresses from your ISP or OpenDNS. If everything works fine with static address assignment, then DHCP is indeed broken

        verizon walked me thru something similar, but i’m not sure it was this test exactly. i’d like to try it…is there some sort of step-based guideline u can point me toward…??? thanx

        These two commands must be run from an elevated command prompt and will require a reboot

        well…that’s the thing…even the standard command prompt tell me i need to be an admin…(which i am). how on earth to one access the ‘elevated command prompt…???



      • #1291011


        1st…I reset my Windows Firewall to default…(have no idea why I did this, other than I suspected it was a major part of the problem & was groping for answers)

        2) when I did this…next time I fired up the PC…a message came up from Windows Firewall asking me about EPSON EVENT MANAGER…that it was attempting to connect to a PUBLIC network.

        3) rather that attempt to go about changing the network settings for this EPSON EVENT MANAGER…I simply went into msconfig & removed it from the Startup Item list

        PROBLEM GONE…now when I boot up, I have instant connectivity…to ONE network…!!!

        thanx for all the help,


    • #1286641

      Elevated Command Prompt Win XP

      Also Running as an Administrator does not give the maximum priviledges. This is only done in the hidden Administrator account.

    • #1286674

      To run an elevated command prompt, type cmd and then hit Control Shift Enter.


      • #1287112

        (i registered when i saw the post in windows secrets)

        I had the same problem this week on an ASUS rampage formula using 2x gigabit marvel network points and on a Asus striker 2 extreme using 2 x gigabit network adaptors. The striker 2 extreme had win xp pro 32 bit on it before the reinstallation and it worked fine in gigabit mode

        The communal factor was that I installed win 7 64 bit on both.

        I had downloaded the latest nvidia whql drivers for the striker 2, and had also tried the windows drivers for same. Most google links says to go and do things with ipconfig or change the network cable (or that the port has gone)

        I had done a clean install so it shouldnt be neccesary for anything to do with ipconfig. I knew the cable and the network ports were working as it was working previously on the striker 2

        the non-ideal solution is to set the network port to 100. then it works. stupid and silly how it may seem.

        Dont ask me how the WHQL process works – too many people has the problem on win7-64 bit. microsoft typically says to get another cable or network card.

        A friend said he encountered the same problem on win7 64, and using either the windows native drivers, or loading the 32 bit drivers works. I havent tried it yet.

        • #1287751

          hello again…

          was out of town for a few…sorry.

          the winsock stuff didn’t work…aamof…now I have to reboot TWICE to get connectivity.


          the non-ideal solution is to set the network port to 100. then it works. stupid and silly how it may seem

          how & where is this accomplished…???



    • #1291032

      Congratulations!! Glad you got it resolved. Thanks for posting back.



      • #1291154

        never mind…

        it worked twice & then reverted back to the old problem

        I’m really frustrrated w/ this, man…!!!



    • #1291164

      Can you tell what is trying to connect to what now?



    • #1291187

      Did the Epson Event Manager get back into the start up group? Try What’s In Startup if so.

      • #1291262


        Can you tell what is trying to connect to what now?

        1) when I have no connectivity…there are TWO networks…Home & Public…they both show up as ‘not connected’

        2) I disable my Local Area Connection under ‘Adapter Settings’ in ‘Network Sharing Center’… & then re-enable it …& I then have ONE network (Home)…& immediate connectivity


        Did the Epson Event Manager get back into the start up group? Try What’s In Startup if so.

        No…that wasn’t in there after I unchecked it in msconfig…(& I hadn’t checked prior to that so I din’t know if it was in there prior)…but the only thing in that folder (C:UsersDefaultAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup) was an app from Best Buy related to connecting to the geek squad to sell me service



    • #1291265

      Is this from a cold (i.e. power off) boot or just a re-boot?

      Does this happen after sleep or hibernation?



      • #1291287

        Is this from a cold (i.e. power off) boot or just a re-boot?


        Does this happen after sleep or hibernation?

        those do not activate for an hour…so…i’m not sure

    • #1291288

      Is the NIC integrated on the motherboard or discrete?



      • #1291315

        Is the NIC integrated on the motherboard or discrete?


        UPDATE: Under Advanced System Details in System Information…under Network, I have 2 Adapters, 2 Protocols & 2 Winsocks…& this is when i’m connected & only have the Home network going in Network & Sharing Center.

        is this normal…???


    • #1291329

      On my laptop I show 3 possible network connections:


      As can be seen, I have 3 possible connections, but only the Intel WiFi link is enabled for wireless connection to my router.

      I assume this is the area you are discussing in your last post. If I open System, Advanced system settings, I do not see a Network tab or area.:


      Please confirm what area you are discussing in your last post. OK, I think I found what your are talking about:


      I have 2 Winsocks as well, but several more Adapters and Protocols than 2 listed. I have only displayed Winsock. You probably have a 64 Bit OS, so both the 32 Bit and 64 Bit (Syswow64) are shown.

    • #1291348

      You’ve replaced all the hardware pieces (i.e. modem, PC, ethernet cable) so it would seem to be a Verizon problem. At one point you posted that a Verizon tech was supposed to come to your place. What was the result of that? What was checked?

      Since the problem reappeared does is always happen when you boot or is it intermittent?

      Can you connect wirelessely?



      • #1291514


        it’s not a verizon problem…it’s a WINDOWS 7 problem…!!!

        this does not happen on my old machine…which was running XP.

        it has happened on TWO new PC’s (ASUS) from Best Buy…so it’s not a PC problem.

        it has happened w/ TWO new modems…so it’s not a verizon modem problem

        the tech that verizon sent me was a moron…I’ve had much better luck w/ the phone-based techs.

        As I said at the outset…(in the other thread, actually…the one u closed)…the phone-based verizon tech asked me what I did when I first powered up the computer, in the original Network Setup dialog. When he asked that question, I remembered that I DID in fact choose a Public Network.

        He said, ah-ha…I should have chosen the Home Network. He said that when I reboot, the machine looks for the Public Network, because of my original choice; & that it was being confused & combining the two…(which is also why both Networks disappear when I disabled only the Public Network).

        So now…I’m really close to solving this problem…the only thing left to be done is to UNDO that original selection…please, HOW IS THIS
        ACCOMPLISHED…??? that’s all I need, man.



    • #1291570


    • #1291602

      I would think that if the article Joe referenced does not work, you can delete your network all together and create a new network and choose Home Network. Sometimes the brute force approach is the quickest to the solution.

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