• Turning off Date replacement (Word 2002 SP2)

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    Word has a dumb-tags feature in which it replaces items like 2004 with a date.

    This is immensely silly when someone types a date like 15 March 2004 and a replacement happens. Where do they come up with this stuff?

    Anyway – I have gone into Autocorrect and switched off everything I can think of to do with smart-tags [sic] and it still does it. In detail the symptom is that as soon as 2004 is typed a balloon appears offering the dumb-date if we type {Enter}. So what do I do to make it really go away?

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    • #815277

      I think this behavior pre-dates Office XP’s SmartTags, and we’ve had a few threads on how it seems always to use “U.S. style” dates regardless of the regional settings in Office and Windows. I can’t recall whether it’s an AutoCorrect or AutoText issue, but if no one else pipes up, please see if any of the above helps with a targeted search.

    • #815278

      I think this behavior pre-dates Office XP’s SmartTags, and we’ve had a few threads on how it seems always to use “U.S. style” dates regardless of the regional settings in Office and Windows. I can’t recall whether it’s an AutoCorrect or AutoText issue, but if no one else pipes up, please see if any of the above helps with a targeted search.

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