• Turbo Tax 2021 & Windows 11


    I just downloaded the latest TTax 2021. Install generates an error 2803 and hangs on the Activation window (blank).

    I’ve tried running as administrator, turning off Kaspersky protection, rebooting several times.Changed scale to 100%. Also re-downloaded the install executable.

    Thoughts? Am I running into a Windows 11 problem?

    Hank Arnold

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Rasilon1946.
    Viewing 42 reply threads
    • #2399697

      TaxAct  319-373-3600

      Although your W11 issue remains for whatever year you have …. Pretending to buy via normal TaxAct page I got 2020 offered, so you must be in a very special group if you have 2021 this soon.

      Surely THEY are best to answer W11 issues ref any year……

      W10 Pro 22H2 / Hm-Stdnt Ofce '16 C2R / Macrium Pd vX / GP=2 + FtrU=Semi-Annual + Feature Defer = 1 + QU = 0

      • #2399699

        No special group. Amazon offered a download starting today.

        Hank Arnold

      • #2399700

        BTW, I am pursuing that avenue, but with as large an audience as AskWoody has, I’m hoping for any help I can get.

        Hank Arnold

      • #2422126

        You would think so, but all customer service did for me with a 193 error was suggest I buy the same program from them that I purchased from Amazon for $30 more.

    • #2399712

      Is this an MSI install package or some other installer?



      • #2399748

        Install file


        Hank Arnold

    • #2399895

      Problem “Resolved”… 😉

      I contacted Intuit support (800-446-8848) and apparently this is a known issue with TT 2021. As soon as I said “Install” she knew the problem.

      First off, my initial problem of getting the 2803  error was fixed by turning off the firewall.

      This still left me with the blank white activation screen. It seems that this is a known issue with the TT 2021 program. Apparently, it’s a resolution issue. At each step of the process, you need to change the resolution to be able to see what was supposed to be displayed. This is the process I had to follow:

      1. Launch the executable and wait for the white activation screen
      2. Change the resolution. Magically, the contents of the window appear. Unfortunately, you can’t seem to be able to enter the license.
      3. Click once on the license window and enter the license number. You won’t see any change, but the information *IS* being entered. Best to use Ctrl-V to past the license.
      4. Change the resoluton
      5. Verify that the license you entered is correct
      6. Select to verify/continue
      7. Change the resolution
      8. Keep doing this until you get to the registration screen.

      A this point, you should be OK. I was told, though, that this will happen again if you purchase anything (State tax?)

      Hope this helps someone avoid the hassles I had… 🙂

      Hank Arnold

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2399901

        Turn off “what” firewall?

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

      • #2401662

        Thank you, it worked.

      • #2403151

        Still did not install. TT does this every year. And I am 15 years into using them and have little or no option to change. AND…no support from them.

        • #2464666

          Are you using multiple monitors? If so, disconnect all but one monitor. I have been using TT for 15 years also and both the Personal and Business for multiple states. I also can’t change vendors. You would think that installation would be their highest priority!

      • #2403348

        Thanks so much for this! I ran into the same problem. I’m running Win 11. I downloaed TurboTax Home and Business 2021 from Amazon today and when I was trying to launch, I got the blank activation screen. I changed my screen resolution as you instructed (I just randomly changed it to something else) and then cut/paste the license code (which I could not see) and then activated/entered. Then when I went to download my state, I had another issue reading a screen, changed the resolution (again randomly) and I could see just fine. So weird! I don’t normally buy/install TurboTax so early but Amazon had a really good price. I suspect if I’d waited until January or later the bug would have been fixed.

        • #2407772

          It’s STILL not fixed..and it’s 12/22/21!

        • #2418319

          Jan download same issues!!!

          • #2419871

            It’s now January 21 and it’s still not fixed.  No help from TurboTax.  They told me it was an Amazon problem and to call them.  Amazon doesn’t know anything and refuses to refund the download.

            • #2421341

              Well, it is a Costco issue too!  I cannot get the program to work.


            • #2422070

              Yes, I have the same problem. Six days of work and no solution.

            • #2422569

              On Jan 31 I purchased TT2021 from Amazon and downloaded with Chrome but program would not load. Message said “could not load archive”. Amazon wanted me to contact TT but I didn’t want to get bounced around so they agreed to refund my purchase price as an “exception” to its normal policy.

        • #2423274

          Thank you. I spent hours on the phone with TurboTax and hung up when after some hours of back and forth the technician tried to charge me $50.00. Then I happened to read this post. I followed your instructions, more or less, and was able to paste in the activation key. TurboTax informed me whilst “trouble-shooting” that our Intel NUC11 i5 is NOT a PC but just a “reader – like Kindle” and this was Intuit’s reason why I was having trouble with my TT 2021 install!  …Just how bad the Turbotax phone help line really was today.


          So anyway, thank you. TT2021 installed immediately after I tried the maneuvers in your post. Installed in Intel NUC 11 i5 with Windows 10 Pro, newly installed and up-to-date OS.

        • #2423446

          Thank you!!  These instructions helped me greatly!  I just purchased it on Jan 31 and used it today.  I have had the same issue on the activation screen, then on the state download, and again when it was time to sign in to Intuit and pay (for that I had to change the resolution for every single field that needed to be filled in and button that needed to be pushed).  But it worked.  Just surprised the issue hasn’t been fixed yet.

      • #2404176

        I had the same problem and this solved it perfectly. Thank you!

      • #2404269

        Thank you!! the steps worked perfectly – once I typed my code in correctly.

      • #2405086

        Thank you.  It worked

      • #2405927

        I Can’t believe this!  I was redownloading my 2020 on new computer and having the activation problem as well. I changed to the 800 and ctrl V did it! !!!

        Thank you!

      • #2406933

        I tried this, but it didn’t work.

      • #2406944

        Thanks Hank for sharing the issue fix, Worked great. Too bad that intuit can’t seem to resolve on their end. The program worked on my older (5 years)pc Windows 10 fine. But I had purchased a new  pc W10 laptop couple months & that was the issue. I also tried to install 2020 version on new one, same problem. I have yet to upgrade to W11, not sure what if any impact it would have on issue. Again Intuit needs to be more forthcoming on this issue. Been using this TurboTax for over 2 decades never any issues. Thanks Again Hank!


      • #2407498

        Hello and thank you Hank Arnold , I did exactly as told and it worked finally . I will contact Amazon and have it charges back to my credit card . I returned the CD because I couldn’t get pass the activation screen . Now I have to pay Amazan back . Thank you for helping resolve this issue . Regards

      • #2408855

        Thank you for the excellent tip.  This worked.  What a headache.  Suggest on step 6 to state Click on tab “Activate Turbotax”.  Had to click twice to launch to Registration screen.

      • #2409366


      • #2409870

        Purchased yesterday, apparently they haven’t fixed the issue yet.  Thanks for your tip, following your recommendation, i was able to get past the activation screen.

      • #2409878

        Thank you!!

      • #2409902

        awesomeness.. thank you.. it worked… TT 2021 needs patches

      • #2410273

        1-4-22  Just followed the instructions regarding changing resolution – worked like a charm, exactly as described! (I went from the Windows 10-recommended 1920 x 1080 to 1680 x 1050).

        Thank you!!

      • #2410628

        Mine also froze on activation screen and I followed Rasilon1946’s procedure by changing resolution and it installed with no issues.  Thank you!

      • #2410635

        Crazy that this work-around is needed, but it worked exactly as written.

        Thank you!!!

      • #2410862

        With Windows 11, the screen resolution change (one down from recommended) worked. I only did it once to get screen to appear and then crossed my figures when I entered the license activation code blindly. Then hit OK or whatever was at bottom and it worked.

      • #2411477

        Thanks for such an informative and simple process that fixed this issue for me.

      • #2412913

        Thank you.

      • #2413267

        Thank you.  How did you ever figure this out?

      • #2414853

        Thank You! As crazy as it sounds it works!

      • #2416252

        Tried twice calling TT support.  Got disconnected twice after about 1 hour with no resolution.  Found this info and it worked the first time. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.  Bth the way this was on a new Win 10 computer and not Win 11.  Same problem

      • #2418408

        Worked perfectly!  Thank you.

        • #2418609

          No issues at my end with Windows 11.  Initial install went fine and have the updates.  Go figure.

      • #2419132

        Thank you for this solution. It is 1/18/2021 and TurboTax has been unable to help. Your solution worked.

      • #2419348

        Excellent information.  Worked like a charm for me.


        Thanks for putting this out to the public!   Tim

      • #2419657

        Thank you, thank you so much!

      • #2419929

        Thanks a million for your help.  You saved me lot of time.  Best Regards NJ

      • #2419949

        Thanks so much Hank!  We just bought a new laptop with Windows 11 and had the same issue.  Followed your instructions, and sure enough, changing the resolution worked.  It’s hard to believe that TurboTax has not resolved this matter by now (January 22nd).

      • #2420184

        It worked. Thank you very much.

      • #2421192

        Thanks, turbotax could not help me and this worked.

      • #2421240

        So I did this as instructed and it worked perfectly.  I can’t understand why Turbo Tax can’t fix this.  I wasted a lot of time uninstalling and installing it until I finally googled the problem.

      • #2421211

        Thanks, that worked.  I called TT support, they told me a graphic card driver needed to be updated.  What to they know.

      • #2421767

        This solution worked for me. And yes, I had to go through the same gyrations when I tried to download Maryland State. It goes without saying that it is ridiculous for Intuit to put out a product like this. I only hope the 2021 TurboTax Premiere software once installed is not buggy or doesn’t compute my taxes inaccurately.

        Intuit needs some new engineers and a much better QC team.  I am using a relatively new (8/2021) Lenovo Yoga 9i laptop with Widows 10 and I bought the download version of TTax from Amazon on January 27,2022.

        I don’t know how the resolution change approach was discovered but I know I would have never discovered it on my own. I now know the how…Intuit should publish the why.  Refusing to admit they screwed up is unacceptable. I have used TurboTax since 1995 including the download versions from Amazon since 2009 with no problems until this version. 3 hours of my time I will never get back!

        • #2422009

          I have tried all resolutions and still will not work, any other solutions


          • #2422015

            What have you tried?
            What is your system? Windows version etc?

            cheers, Paul

      • #2421982

        Thank you! Solved my problem which Intuit tech support could not yesterday, 01-28-22. Kudos to you!

      • #2422205

        Thanks.  Your process worked for me (change screen resolution, enter code you can’t see, change resolution back…).  I’m using Win 10 and purchased the TT download from Intuit’s site (not from Amazon or other 3rd party).  So the problem still exists Jan 29, 2021.  I’ve been using TT for many years.  First time this issue has happened for me.

      • #2422230

        Thank You!!!

      • #2422396

        Thank you so much for your detailed instructions!!!  It worked!!!

        FYI as of 1/31/22 Turbo Tax hasn’t fixed the problem!!!

      • #2563608

        Keeps getting this message, when after reinstalling the TT2021

        Using Win 10

        “hmm… it looks like we’ve hit a slight snag”

        I comes up just before entering the program

        What to do? ;/

        • #2563631

          Was it working?
          Is there anything else in the error message?
          Have you got a 3rd party AV / firewall?
          Do you have an internet connection on the machine?

          cheers, Paul

    • #2399891

      I am having the same problem trying to install TurboTax Deluxe 2021 bought from Amazon.  It will not install on Windows 11.

      • #2399928

        The process I described is tedious, but it does work! From what the tech support woman said, it sounds like it’s a TT/Intuit problem, not W11

        Hank Arnold

    • #2399969

      Glad I switched to H&R Block last year


      Just because you don't know where you are going doesn't mean any road will get you there.
    • #2400942

      I think this kind of problem is not unusual for early releases of TurboTax each year. I usually wait until a month or so after the start of the new year to install the new version, hoping that by then any or most of the bugs will be worked out. But I realize not everyone has the luxury of being able to do that.

      By the way, does anyone here use the Intuit Quicken community forums for support?

      What has your experience been with them?

      • #2404135

        To your question, I use the TurboTax Intuit community quite often and have been pleasantly surprised to have some questions answered well (I’ve also provided answers where I can).

      • #2418233

        They have had this problem for over 2 years.  Either they are incapable of solving it, or just not bothering.

    • #2401330

      An update: I just had to re-activate my copy of TurboTax 2020 (changed computers). Same problem with activation screen. Resolution problem….. I have the feeling that it’s on Intuit’s end and not the software…

      Hank Arnold

    • #2401518

      Just purchased, downloaded, installed, and activated  TurboTax Desktop Deluxe with State 2021 from NewEgg.

      The installation was on a desktop computer running Windows 10 Pro, 21H1 Build 19043.1288.

      All went well – No problems.  Let the tax prep begin.


      • #2401579

        Congrats. This seems to indicate that Intuit has resolved their activation problems?

        Hank Arnold

        • #2401630

          Or it is a comparability problem with Windows 11.

          • #2401645

            I might agree, but I never mentioned the OS to the Intuit Tech Support person… When I said “I’m having a problem installing…” she immediately asked if it was an activation issue.

            Hank Arnold

        • #2407773

          NOPE! It still won’t work on Win11!..-12/22/21..

    • #2402378

      FYI, I’m running into the same problem. I’ve stopped firewall, stopped services, doesn’t help. Appears to be a Win11 problem. Both Amazon and Intuit have offered to refund purchase price. I’m waiting for another two weeks before I do it. I still have a Win 10 PC around.

      • #2402433

        Unfortunately, it seems that the only recourse is to follow the procedure I described earlier.

        Hank Arnold

    • #2402432

      The saga continues: TT 2021 just installed an update. It’s normal to have frequent updates as the IRS and states provide more information and rules.

      Well, once the update finished, guess what?? Activation!! Same issue as before! This may be the year that convinces me to try H&R Block next time… 🙁

      Hank Arnold

      • #2402482

        Running Turbotax 2021 under Windows 10 Pro 21H1 OS Build 19043.1288

        Just downloaded and installed Turbotax 2021 updates without incident.

        Only inconvenience was that we had to reenter the Product Key.

        Turbotax 2021 must have a compatibility issue with Windows 11.

        The open question is what other apps are incompatible with Windows 11?

        As I have said elsewhere – A pioneer gets an arrow in his (her) back while the settler comes later and settles the land.

        We will stick with Windows 10 until it reaches its end of life.

        • #2423985

          It’s not working on Windows 10 Home either. From my research they have been having this issue since the TurboTax 2019. They try to say its the resolution and then the scaling. Nothing works. I’ve tried everything even over an hour on Tech Support that did not help. They need to fix this big-time issue. Everyone is mad about it. What a waste of money!!! Very unhappy customer!

    • #2403765

      Can’t activate Turbotax Home and Business – Page 6 (intuit.com)

      I don’t think this is unique to Windows 11.  I see others reporting this issue back on Windows 10

      Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

      • #2403777

        Can’t activate Turbotax Home and Business – Page 6 (intuit.com)

        I don’t think this is unique to Windows 11.  I see others reporting this issue back on Windows 10

        Right. There may be additional activation issues with Windows 11 separate from Windows 10. But activation issues have been a problem every year since they started requiring activation, especially for early adopters. It’s one reason why I usually don’t bother installing the new TurboTax until end of January or early February.

    • #2406272

      I have Windows 10 Pro and TT 2021 Deluxe (CD version). When I start setup, it asks if I want it to make changes on my computer and I answer yes, Then I get the little spinning circle indicating action and the DVD drive makes noise. But then it stops, the circles disappear and nothing further happens. All security and firewall are off. (I tried the same with a downloaded version of Deluxe and got the same result, so I got a refund for it.)

      I spent 40 minutes with TT support during which we tried everything on my computer, but to no avail. Then we experimented with my wife’s old computer, which has Windows 10 Home. It seemed to install on her Windows 10 Home machine fine. So the TT person concluded that this was an issue with Windows 10 Pro and that she would “make a note of this” to “pass along” to the higher tech people. She didn’t sound like there was any urgency in making any changes.

      • #2406849

        I have the same problem in that I cannot install Turbo Tax 2021 Premier. I have Windows 10 Version 20H2 installed and am at the latest update. Bought Turbo tax from Amazon and told them that the received CD would not install the 2021 Premier version. Amazon sent another CD gratis but it also would not install either. I uninstalled my 2020 Turbo Tax and used the 2020 Turbo Tax CD to reinstall the 2020 version without any issues on my PC. I worked with Intel and was able to download a version of the 2021 Premier and it does not install. I backed up my entire hard drive and then tried to find out why Turbo Tax would not install. I uninstalled Kaspersky and Firefox and turned off Windows protection and still cannot install on the PC. The call to Intel support said it was my PC.  I took the CD and tried to install Turbo Tax on my laptop running Windows 10 Version 20H2. It would not install on the laptop. Got out very old laptop that has not been used in a long time with Windows 10 Version 10.10 and it at least started to install. My question is who will stand up and resolve the problem? My guess is that Intuit should be the fixer. If you compare the installation software between the Turbo Tax 2020 and 2021 they are totally different if you scan the startup files that are on the CD’s. So far I have spent two weeks trying to find why the Turbo Tax will not start to install. My forehead is sore from banging it against the wall. I stopped that and it doesn’t hurt anymore but the issue is still not resolved.



    • #2406935

      I tried this, but it didn’t work.

      I first get extracting files, then User Account Control Window asking for Yes or No. I click on Yes, then nothing.

      • #2408982

        Same with me, have you figured it out yet?

      • #2414146

        I was having the same issue with the installation of Turbotax Premier 2021 on my laptop. I recently updated my laptop from Windows 10 to Windows 11.

        I was getting the same extracting screen, asking me if I wanted to it make changes and then nothing.

        I added a temp folder to the root directory and then the program loaded correctly.

        • #2417388

          We need more info than “added temp folder”.
          Exactly what did you do?

          cheers, Paul

    • #2407267

      i got same error code, and turbotax support person says she never heard of this error message before. I bought the home and business product with the “cd and download,” and I followed instructions to get a download from the Turbotax website “installturbotax.com” but the instructions are WRONG because after entering the license code, I never got the link or button to download the executable file. I called technical support who emailed me a link that led me to the same website and finally the download button appeared. She had to enter my license code herself and create the equivalent of an order. After downloading, I tried to install it and I got the error code 2803 that she never heard of, and now she wants me to reboot my computer after having booted it up afresh strictly to install this software.

    • #2407269

      Continuation of my first reply to the TurboTax installation error 2803 that appeared during my first attempt to install the software. Per technical support, I had to reboot the computer and try again. DUring that time, the telephone call with technical support disconnected. After the computer reboot completed, I started the installation again. This time i got a message stating another copy of TurboTax existed on the computer, which was not true. However, I clicked the option to “repair or reinstall” the software, and let the process complete. This time the installation completed without an error, and I was able to launch TurboTax Home & Business 2021 then “i agree” with the terms and conditions. It required me to enter the license code, which it accepted successfully, and I finally am in the software and ready to enter my name, address, etc.

    • #2408983

      I can’t install – first I get extracting files, then User Account Control Window asking for Yes or No. I click on Yes, then nothing.

      • #2409367

        Try changing TEMP file to C:\temp on root directory..ensure you create temp folder on C:\. Worked for me.

        • #2409706

          does that mean just create the TEMP folder in C: and move the installer file there?  if so that didnt work

    • #2409468

      You can solve Error 2803 and most of the TurboTax installation problems, including freezing up in the middle of the installation which has been going on for years, by installing the program in safemode with networking without having to do all of the steps above. Google how to go to safemode based on your Windows Operating System and select with networking. Then you can install TurboTax, get the updates and it will ask you to restart. Restart and then open up TurboTax and enter your activation code.

    • #2410027

      Running windows 11 I too cant get past the user control. I get the extracting files then User Account Control Window asking for Yes or No. I click on Yes, then nothing.    I then tried on another laptop running windows 10 and it worked fine.

    • #2410121

      I had the same problem with the download version.  After trying most of the suggested fixes I could find (screen resolution, reset modem, turn off antivirus), this is what worked in my situation. I logged onto Intuit with my VPN disconnected and went to the Windows download page and left the page open. I opened Turbotax Premier 2021 after installing and got the blank activation screen.  After about 20-30 minutes, the screen populated with the appropriate info, however, it wouldn’t let me enter the license code. I left the screen on, and after about an hour, the license code appeared in the proper place and I was able to use the activate button.  Hope it works for others.

    • #2410125

      You can all stop wondering. I spent a couple 3 hours with a tech on Windows 11 new computer and the TurboTax tech took remote control of the computer and everything and there is nothing they can do about it now. they are just not up to date with the windows 11. you can install it on anything under a Windows 11 anywhere between Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 but you’ll have to wait on the Windows 11. my way of fixing it was I had to put it on my older computer that had Windows 10 and wait till next year for Windows 11. they might come out with some patch in a couple 3 weeks or a month but it’s tax time now. what’s going on not being ready for this??

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2410134

        It’s not exactly tax time yet.  It’s W-2 and 1099 time – hopefully by 1/31 when you then should have your info to file your taxes they will fix it.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

      • #2439201

        Yes… I did the Amazon download and it installed on my main PC with Windows 11 fine, but  I ran into all kinds of problems with blank screens while using it. After three support calls, I got their support to admit that there was a Win 11 issue. The guy told me to install on Win 10 if I could and I sid… I installed it on my old system with Windows 10 and had no problems…


        My biggest issue with Intuit is that they had to know this was a hige problem and sidn’t say anything anywhere…

    • #2410147

      I spoke with Intuit support today (Val) and was told Windows 11 is not supported at this time. I know the documentation says (8.1 or higher) but Win11 seems to have many unresolved issues.


      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2410151

      Having read all the frustration on the subject of installing Turbotax, my experience might just “take the biscuit”. I downloaded from Amazon with the download and Amazon’s paperwork saying “TurboTax Premier 2021.  On a Windows 10 computer with latest updates, It went through the installation process O.K. but it installed TurboTax Individual!  As someone said, maybe time to try H&R.

    • #2410521

      I could not get TurboTax 2021 to install on my Dell XPS8930 with latest updates for Windows 10.  It would start the install process then just stop.  I tried every tip I could find regarding this problem but nothing helped.  About a year ago I started to have trouble with my login account which has Admin privileges.  I ended up having to create a new account and copy all my files over.  Rather than do that again I created a new account with Admin privileges and tried the install again.  It ran perfectly.  It also runs perfectly under my old Admin account.  FYI I ran the install from the CD I purchased at Costco.

    • #2410538
      Windows 11 Pro, version 21H2

      TurboTax Home and Business 2021 (Downloaded)

      During installation TT, the first try, the installer encountered an unexpected error …. error code is 2803.

      After the second try TT installed perfectly, retrieved my 2020 TT data, all works perfectly.


      • #2410591

        You’re one of the lucky ones

      • #2411939

        Nothing is working for me on with Windows 11.  I get a message saying my system is not compatible.

    • #2410539

      TTax 2021 installed on my Windows 10 PC without problems.  It froze at the activation screen when installing it on my Windows 11 PC.  I followed Rasilon1946’s procedure (above) by changing resolution and it installed without any further problems.  Thank you for the tips.

      • #2410720

        Glad it helped. A status: The first program update generated the same issue. However, it’s updated twice since then (as well as installing the New York State code) with no issues .

    • #2412907

      Bought the TT 2021 download from Amazon. All went smooth until I got to the license entry point. All I got was a blank screen with a lot of dancing blue dots. Read several blogs about this problem going back to TT 2019 and there were several comments about changing screen resolution to address this problem. Tried several to no avail, until I tried 1024 x 768. Bingo! Entered my license code, went back to original screen resolution, and ready to roll.

    • #2413125

      I had the same problem as all with the blank activation screen TT Premier 2021 (I’m running Windows 10 on a new laptop). Changed the resolution, as suggested, and fixed the problem. However, now I can’t get the state download to work. I got as far as the “continue” button and it won’t let me click on it.

      Anyone else having this problem? Suggestions/


    • #2420160

      My Problem Is slightly different the install process just ends I have tried all the remedies suggested here, and have had no success. Turbo tax was no help they are using an automated system for customer service now and the system doesn’t understand anything. I had windows 10 pro and it was upgraded to windows 11 I even tried to install it in safe mode the result is the same as soon as I respond yes to do you want to allow changes it stops running as monitored on the task manager It has a windows MSI file but will not install that way either says it must be done through the setup command Tried the down load version as soon as files are decompressed it stops running.
      Perhaps if there are any Lawyers looking at this it may be time for a class action I am sure turbo tax is more than aware of the problem or they would not be using an automated system.

      • #2421162

        I purchased the download version of Turbo Tax Deluxe from Amazon and tried repeatedly to install it on my laptop but couldn’t install it. I kept getting the following message: Cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file “Data.cab”. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from CD-ROM, or a problem with this package. Any one know how to fix this?

    • #2421343

      Worked on Surface Pro 8 Win 11 Thanks!

    • #2422267

      This is still a problem. I have TurboTax Premier 2021 and TurboTax Business 2021 on Windows 10. Both products gave me the same white square window. TurboTax support offered solutions I rejected: 1. Sharing my screen. 2. uninstalling and reinstalling. Next I was told to change my screen resolution from 4k to 800×600. I was able to see the contents of the box. It wanted me to enter the product key. I clicked in the box but focus wasn’t set there. I went through the motions of pasting the product key. There was no feedback showing it had been entered. I clicked the button to submit it. No changes could be seen. Reset resolution to 4k, saw a green circle with a checkmark and a message that the product was activated. The fact that support knew to tell me this workaround indicates this is a well-known product, one that has not been fixed. I want Intuit to respect the value of my time more.

    • #2422478

      FWIW, I’m running the latest Windows 11 Dev release and was experiencing a 1602 installation error when trying to add a new state (I upgraded from Windows 10 Pro to Windows 11 AFTER I had installed TurboTax Home and Business 2021 last November).

      Long story short, I disabled the “Advanced Thread Defense” option temporarily in my BitDefender A/V and was able to install the state without issue then simply turned it back on.

    • #2422836

      I am on Win 11, with a new computer purchased in Dec, 2021. Had the same issues installing but was able to complete that with the incredibly tedious work around.

      But now, when I click on the Search icon, a blank search window appears. I have learned to close it by clicking on the top, right corner of the window. Can’t find a work-around to un-hide the search window. Not a Win 11 problem, I don’t think. Setting it to Win 8 or Win 7 compatibility doesn’t help.

      I see lots of people having the invisible, activation problem, but no mention of the invisible Search window.  I installed TT21 on my old computer and just use that version when I need to search. I guess there is always a work around.

      • #2423009

        Update: Looks like the latest update (installed 3Feb22) seems to have fixed the problem of displaying help.

        Curious if it has solved the overall problems encountered with installing TT  2021..

        Hank Arnold

        • #2423290

          I purchased my TT2021 from target recently and was able to download with your tip above. I was not on the other hand able to file, all pop ups were blank screens. I have spent 5-6 hours on the phone today with Intuit. They were not able to resolve the problem and had no idea what could cause it. Needless to say, I am stuck for now.

          • #2423542

            I have this same issue.  Went to pay for the state by credit card and a blank window popped up to “save” the file.  Now I’m stuck.

    • #2423112

      Thanks for the help.  Changing the screen resolution worked.  3 days of banging my head on table solved.  🤯

    • #2423546

      Can someone post the download link please to the full installer?

    • #2424871

      Just downloaded TT2021 on windows 10 and having same problems. after three hours on the phone with TT and loading updates at TT recommendation; changing display screen as indicated above  and going through all the same steps there is still a problem.  I see Windows 11 has the same issues so I won’t bother upgrading to that. TT did send me a new download for the 2021 Federal with state, which I downloaded following the same procedure as mentioned and when I tried to upgrade to Premium but have the same issues in not being able to click on links to purchase on the Intuit site, they offered to discount it to me for $89.  I’ll just try to exchange my Costco Deluxe purchase with premium and get it downloaded.  This is ridiculous! Feb 12, 2021

      • #2424971

        When you get to the purchase screen and it freezes on you do the following.  It is a pain in the you know what, but it works.  Once you do it once you do not need to do it again for additional returns that you may be filing.

        When you get to the screen to activate and pay for your state return and the screen freezes do the following:

        Hit CTL, ALT, DEL and then hit cancel and when you do this it will take you to the next screen.  When you go to put in your name or other information it will not show you as typing anything.   Just type even though you cant see it then hit CTL, ALT, DEL and cancel and when the screen comes back it will show what you typed in and if it is incorrect you can edit it.   At each step you need to do CTL, ALT, DEL and cancel and you can type and or move to the next screen.    Once you have done this at each step it will process your payment and you will not need to do this again for any other returns you may file.


        • #2424989

          This helped tremendously! Thanks for the advice. I was getting so frustrated with trying to pay this after finishing my taxes.

    • #2425073

      I am running Windows 11 Home version 21H2 on a fairly clean laptop (HP).  No extra ransomware/virus/malware/firewall software installed (just have the microsoft version).  I was able to install both 2020 & 2021 but cannot activate and do not have the screen resolution issue (I can input the license key just fine).  Error tells me that there are connection issues.  Interestingly, every time I try to activate, the app goes through update process so this means that it is able to connect.  I have run each of the steps shown below with no success.

      Method 1: Temporarily disable your antivirus/anti-malware/firewall software – 2/9/2022 did not work
      Method 2: Disable your VPN connection — 2/9/2022 did not work
      Method 3: Restart your router/modem – 2/11/2022 did not work
      Method 4: Configure the TCP/IP settings — 2/11/2022 do not have LAN setup.
      Method 5: IP config command line tool – 2/10/2022 did not work.

      Last year (2020) I ran on my old laptop (Win 10) and have been able to work with 2021 version.  Unless Intuit has come up w/ a resolution for Win 11 compatibility with TurboTax, I will continue to use old laptop, but this really isn’t a solution.

      I will watch for posts if anyone has been able to resolve/get help.

      Regards, SMH

      • #2426720

        Additional info…  since I also use Quicken (which was under Intuit) and I am having issues with downloading account info under that application, I looked at event logs and found that I was getting the following error on TurboTax:
        A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013.

        As the error for Turbo Tax indicated that TLS may have been an issue, I did the corrections suggested from several sites; (a couple of registry tweaks).  I no longer have the error in my event logs.  Good news but it did not resolve my issue.
        Regards, SMH

    • #2425231

      It took me several trys to down load turbo tax because of the same reason you had.
      What I did and this may dound silly but I slow used my curser and watched for this the straight mark you have when you start typing. It took me several trys but the one that seemed to work was closer to the bottom. I then did the same way at the bottom for the pointer and I hit enter and it worked. The states have the same issue. Very fustrating now I’m having trouble printing the forms correctly. Stay tuned I guess unless you have a answer for me. Hope this helps or that you were finally able to download.

    • #2433894

      Installed TT2021 Deluxe end of January from CD to desktop on win 10. Worked fine until last week when opening program box pops up Turbo-Tax error, will close but no error code. Uninstalled and reinstalled twice with no change. Did not ask for license code on re-install. Tech support wasn’t helpful other than to direct me to website to use on line version.  Anyone else seen this problem and found solution thanks

    • #2435969

      I just today (1April2022) purchased a physical disc at Sam’s Club and had the 2803 error on my Win 8.1 machine. Did not have blank white screen issues. I just waited a while after pressing ‘OK’ and the install seemed to complete normally.

      Oddly, I got a small window to reboot to affect changes right before a larger window popped up for an OK to check for updates. Been using TT for 15 years and never saw this kinda stuff. Maybe I’ve been lucky.

    • #2437183

      Same issue here, I’ve been a TurboTax client for over two decades; by far, this is one of the most aggravating issues I’ve ever encountered (besides the privacy breach several years ago). Glad to find here some clue as to the nature of the problem – it is definitely related to the screen resolution the activation box is set for displaying. In my case, the activation window opened clean, animation of rotating balls started – but never ended… Had to lower the W10 display resolution (while the balls were spinning), all the way down to “basic VGA” (640×480), only then the “balls” resolved the activation display. After that, I could manually enter the license number and it finally activated; then, I could restore the display resolution to adequate settings. It seems to me, the entire TurboTax GUI is based on VGA display resolution, hence the issue when trying to display the content provided by the activation server (who programs this; moreover – what kind of testing was done for this release?)

    • #2439202

      I had to install on my older Windows 10 PC to get TT2021 to work. Would not work half the time on my newer Windows 11 rig. After many support calls, I got one of them to admit there was a Win 11 issue… Hope they fix it by next year or I am gone…

    • #2489027

      After update to Win 11 22H2, TurboTax2021 activation code must be entered on each use.

      Win 11 compatibility tester cannot fix the issue.

      Run as Win 7/8 does not fix the issue with extra privileges.

      It appears that TurboTax is failing to confirm the activation, or failing to store the codes correctly. I suspect that it is either a MS Defender incompatibility issue, or failure to properly program for win 10/11.

      There are also many 32 bit API’s which have been depreciated. So an old 32 bit program could have problems.

      Both Defender and TPM are very different in Win 11 vs Win 1o. TurboTax needs to update its programs to be compatible.

      • #2489069

        Here we go again… Check the posts from last season. Probably the same problem. Maybe we should just bite the bullet and go with H&R Block?

        Hank Arnold

        • #2489101

          Clearly they want you to move to online.

          Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • #2489253

      Our TurboTax 2021, running under Windows 10 Pro, 21H2, OS Build 19044.2006 Installed on 6/‎29/‎2022, is working without any problems.

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