• Trouble Installing KB2955164

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Windows » Windows 8.1 » Questions: Win 8.1 (and Win 8) » Trouble Installing KB2955164


    Is anyone else having trouble installing KB2955164? I have had no trouble with any other updates. But this one will fail every time. I have tried installing it for almost a month now. I get error code 800F0922. When i click on the get help link for that code it says there is nothing. I searched on the internet and have tried all kinds of suggestions with none of them working. One of the reasons I updated to Windows 8.1 was to get away from these types of problems with my old OS (Vista). Especially the cryptic “help” links that tell me nothing. I am ok with working on a computer – can’t imagine how any regular computer user that is not good at delving into problems like this – how they deal with this crap. I guess they just never install the updates. I tried searching on these forums but not relaly finding anything, so maybe I a alone here. Anyway, if anyone has any insight into this, let me know. Thanks.

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    • #1457999

      That update went in without a problem on my Win 8.1 x64 Pro.

      I did install it after the 8.1 Update (often called 8.1.1 or KB2919355) was installed. Maybe that is a contributing factor on your system.

      • #1458977

        KB2919355 was installed as were other updates since. Today I tried to install a number of other new updates and I get the same error code for 8 more updates. So that is a total of 9 updates that won’t install. Others have this problem online. I do not understand how there could be an error code and not even MS knows what it means. I can honestly see why many ppl do not update at all. This kind of stuff is a waste of time. I have already spent more than 8 hours trying to figure it out. I expected more from a new machine with a new operating system.

    • #1458993

      Have you tried downloading the fix from the Download Center and then installing it from the download?

      Have you tried the Windows Update Troubleshooter link at Troubleshoot problems with installing updates?



      • #1459443

        Yes, tried manual download and update – same result.

        Yes, tried troubleshooter link… plenty of space on my drive, update doesn’t ask me to accept any license terms – nothing else there pertains, so this was no help either.

    • #1459446

      There’s a program to run on the first line of that link.


    • #1459470

      Well, I didn’t see that previously. Ran it – it found errors and fixed. Rebooted. Tried the update again. Yup – same result. Still not installed.

    • #1460124

      Just a shot in the dark, but DISM may help.
      Please run the following DISM commands to see if there’s any problems with the system (from an elevated (Run as administrator) Command Prompt). Press Enter after each one:

      Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
      Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
      Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

      FYI – I have repaired systems using the last command even though problems weren’t found with the first 2 – so I suggest running them all.

      From this article: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh824869.aspx

      You can also run sfc.exe /scannow from an elevated (Run as administrator) Command Prompt to check for further corruption.

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