• Trim-Parse troubleshoot (2003)


    I’m trying to troubleshoot a piece of code which parses the contents of a column (E) (in reverse) to show the data on the right side of the “/” in column © . If that char is not present, then the contents should be shown.
    Can one of you wiz’s help me solve this without applying a UDF or VBA function?

    Viewing 2 reply threads
    • #1059202

      Will there ever be more than 3 owners?

      • #1059204

        More than likely…all I want is the last one to the right. Is it necessary to count every instance? I saw a post which mentioned INSTRREV (or something like that). Is it just a VBA function?

        • #1059206

          With more than 3 owners you really need a VBA solution. INSTRREV is indeed a VBA function.

          Put this simple function in a standard module:

          Function ExtractLast(strValue As String) As String
          Dim intPos As Integer
          ExtractLast = Trim(Mid(strValue, InStrRev(strValue, “/”) + 1))
          End Function

          And use like this


          • #1059208

            AWESOME! That rocks! You rock. Saved me hours of work! bravo

            • #1059275

              Just for info, here is a non-VBA approach:
              it assumes you will never have ~#@ as part of your text!

            • #1059355

              Another awesome solution!
              Had I not had the ability to create or append a module, this would’ve saved my keester.
              Cheers to you too! bravo

            • #1059358


              it assumes you will never have ~#@ as part of your text!

              You mean, no comic-book cursing?

            • #1059400

              it would be an impressive curse to require all three at once! evilgrin (I’m pretty sure South Park must have come up with a suitable one…)

    • #1059205

      For a maximum of three owners:



    • #1059427

      Here’s an array formula that will find the last “/” no matter how many owners. Enter using Ctrl-Shift plus Enter



      • #1059498

        So what is the equivalent to the “search” function in VBA?

        I was messing around with this thread and tried to make a function that would do the following. The cells contain two columns of data that need to be separated. A cell contains “leftside rightside” with a space between the two vaules.

        Dim intLen As Integer
        Dim intPos As Integer
        intLen = Len(ActiveCell.Value)
        intPos = Search(” “, ActiveCell.Value)
        ActiveCell.Value = Right(ActiveCell.Value, intLen – intPos)
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

        This yields “Sub or function not defined” for “Search”. The first question is how do I “search” in VBA? The second question is, is there a better way to take data like this and return one side or the other? I can create a cell formula and create a new column, but I wanted to create a macro that could be used to change the data in place.



        • #1059499

          You can use InStr to locate text within other text, or you can use Split to create an array separating the elements at specified characters.

          • #1059603

            Thanks Rory! Modified bit of code below:

            Dim intLen As Integer
            Dim intPos As Integer
            intLen = Len(ActiveCell.Value)
            intPos = InStr(ActiveCell.Value, ” “)
            ActiveCell.Value = Right(ActiveCell.Value, intLen – intPos)
            ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

            • #1059611

              You could also use

              Dim intPos As Integer
              intPos = InStr(ActiveCell, ” “)
              ActiveCell = Mid(ActiveCell, intPos + 1)
              ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

              It would also be possible to avoid selecting cells; this is usually more efficient, but we’d need to know more about how your code loops.

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