• Treasure Map

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    Here is a puzzle that involves a search – you will need to take the clues in order to find the answer – please supply supporting #s with your answer.

    Q: What happened to #7?

    Clues …

    1) What are the odds of finding a black forest
    2) Label the prime items
    3) Precurser to dark grapes
    4) 3rd cousin

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    • #961132

      Anyone want a hint? Hint: Look between ‘Main Index’ and ‘Controls’. Ok, so I didn’t give you a chance to answer the “want a hint question”. [bah]

    • #961956

      Want another hint?

    • #961984

      Right this puzzle is a bit obscure but if I said

      Clue one was 431512

      Would I be going in the right direction? shrug

      • #962026


        • #962041

          No rest are to obscure…I don’t know what I am looking for hairout

          • #962068

            Steve used a word that is also in hint #2 – what does that word describe?

            • #962072

              igiveup to difficult to understand for my little brain

            • #962078

              Keep searching – that is the key. You just need to search for the right word. Also, this is not a figment of your poor imagination (or as bandido would say in post 500,962 … a ? of your ? imagination)

    • #963146

      I guess I will have to walk you through a few steps of this puzzle. I think this type of puzzle could become very popular as we have over 600,000 posts to search for hints, answers, etc.

      Step 1 – as Jezza has already mastered is to look at the first clue and know that you need to search for something …

      1) What are the odds of finding a black forest

      The hint uses the word finding which means that we need to search for “a black forest” using the lounge search function. This search returns 3 posts one of which has a title “What are the Odds!”. That matches nicely with the first part of the clue so that is the post we want (post 431,512).

      2) Label the prime items

      Now here we need to start using the post we found in 1) and the next hint. Reading the post – it is about light and paint and their component parts – prime pigments for paint and prime colors for light. The hint says something about “prime items” so we need to search for either “pigment” or “color”.

      Searching for “pigments” (remember to search the whole lounge) gives 7 posts one of which has a title “Re: Multiple X-Axis labels! (Excel 2002)”. Now that sounds familiar hmmn (post 478,160).

      3) Precurser to dark grapes

      Here we need to look at the post we found in 2) and work out what is the precurser to dark grapes and then search for that. Hint:you are searching for a single word this time

      … over to you …

      • #963165

        OK so I now look for greenish and I get 9 results. No 3rd Cousin

        • #963172

          greenish is the wrong search word. However, you are 5/8ths correct with that word.

          • #963175

            Well I am guessing but I haven’t read the book yet as Jezzarette 1 still has it

            but it has just been published

            • #963179

              ?? – is this posted to the right thread?

            • #963185

              Right when I pump in the word green in search a list comes up. The seventh result is Harry Potter, made a complete guess as the other answers have nothing to do with whatever a 3rd Cousin is. I seem to be the only person willing to do this censored puzzle and it is too obscure. So yes I have put it the right thread just can’t be bothered with it anymore igiveup

            • #963189

              arg – ok. Yes, Green does bring up lots of possible posts. When I posted the puzzle the post required was on the first page of the search but now it is on the 5th or 6th page. If you limit your search to ‘puzzles’ it is just on the first page.

              Sorry if this is too annoying.

            • #963193


              The End

            • #963196

              Yes, close enough. The actual post required is post 489,745 titled “Relationships 3” where question #7 was “7. Deleted – may cause offence!”.

              bananas bingo bouncenburn cheers clapping fanfare music groovin thumbup trophy

              thankyou for staying with this – how do I say thankyou in a more concrete way?

            • #963207

              Very imaginative puzzle, but can I suggest that we avoid future puzzles that require Lounge searches. These can cause a significant load on the server and I don’t think answering puzzles is a good enough reason for lots of us to repeat the same search.


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